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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. fucking god damn it, first wake, now memphis
  2. all the best Ian, I'm sure she'll be just fine
  3. i really was rooting for Siena today, would have made it a bit easier since I had Wake beating Louisville
  4. well i'm doing alright today, although as i said earlier, wake forest and clemson completely fucked me
  5. well I got Siena at least. Terrible day with Wake. FSU just collapsed.
  6. I'm completely finished, had Wake going to the final four
  7. fuck yeah, I knew Arizona would win
  8. well i've done well so far today except for fucking WVU and Tenn
  9. I feel your pain...I meant to say I had them going to the Elite 8 up there. Fuck. ME!
  10. Fuck Clemson fucked me so hard, I had them going to the Elite Eight. God damn it. VCU losing by a bucket got me too, damn it. I'm going Pitt, Memphis, UNC, and Wake. Pitt and Memphis in the final with Pitt coming out on top.
  11. nice, i'm sticking with the esw9, i just can't see myself dishing 600 bones for the 10s now or anytime in the future, no matter how much better they are
  12. damn, sounds like the esw10's are worth their weight in gold then not sure, but from what i've heard, they are the same sonically you have the esw9 right jin? what's your take?
  13. all i know is that i'm not paying the asking price for an esw10. i sold off the rest of my cans to finance the esw9a price, but i won't go anything above that.
  14. i've heard the hd600, but not the esw10. i'm in the market for a esw9a, and if they're anything as good as the esw10, then it looks like i'm in for a treat.
  15. uh oh...
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. not that i'm in the market for a shuffle, but the controls on the cable is completely retarded
  18. ojnihs


  19. fuck me...it sounds like i'll have to check this out...
  20. $190 bucks? good lord... then again, it's what, 13 discs or so?
  21. i have the msi wind with osx on it. works fine for what i need it for, but like i said, i'd much rather use my macbook. the msi wind was just to fuck around with and i ended up just keeping it around for fun. i'm thinking i'll probably move to a desktop system when i need a new computer, probably in like 3-4 years or so, because i don't take my macbook around with me all that much, so i can see having a hacked netbook being useful then. i still can't get past the small keyboard and screen though.
  22. I just downloaded it today, but haven't use it yet. What do you think?
  23. God damn I want a Mac Pro... And in the case of netbooks, I found the small screens and keyboards just didn't do it for me and they don't seem like a real good replacement for my MacBook just yet. I did hack the msi wind for mac is x though, even replaced the wireless card to make it work just right, but like I said, I'd rather use by MacBook.
  24. Cheers! Happy Birthday Nate!
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