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Everything posted by Genetic

  1. Strong support.... you can say that but it's much more than that. In fact for a lot of people it's a religion here in Québec. And the inside story about PK is quite simple: he was adored by a majority of fans but the sentiment inside the team was quite the opposite. You can believe me the other players will have a hard time trying to hide their smiling faces for quite a while. PK was unable (even refused to change under the coaching pressure) to become a team player even with all his obvious talent. Amicalement
  2. Our whole local story in one t-shirt: https://mercerieroger.com/t-shirts/nordiks/ Now we hate Gary (is it possible?) even more... Amicalement
  3. Genetic


    Great link indeed Antonio since I found another quite interesting concert: Yaron Herman!!!! Amicalement
  4. Bye bye Tidal. For jazz lovers there was no fun trying to find interesting selections in their catalogue. I dont have more success with Spotify but at least they offer a realy interesting choice of ''deep space'' electronica music. Amicalement P.S. Now maybe Qobuz....
  5. I still have a dAck (2.0) and I like the sound as I do for the ''older'' generation sound (my California Audio Lab is still going surprisingly strong). Not sure if the new 200$ dacs (and less) are a good option because there's a real possibility that the 125$ investment over the simple battery replacement will not provide a superior sound against his ''vintage'' dAck. Amicalement
  6. Pretty good thanks for asking. Still enjoy reading your posts Peter....;-) In very short I went from audio maniac to a more balanced state. Amicalement
  7. Anekdoten- Until All the Ghosts Are Gone I was hoping for a bit more after such a long pause... Amicalement
  8. Hello Head-casers, I'm using both Spotify and Tidal and I cant see why I would stay on Tidal (Canada). Seems to me that we are again at the wrong end of the stick. As with our ridiculous weak Netflix catalogue we are again the '' dindon de la farce''...;-) On the other hand Spotify is much generous with it's catalogue. If only the sound was as good as Tidal. Merry Chrismas to all, Amicalement
  9. In Québec all the news are reporting theses sad events to a population in total shock. Correct me if I'm wrong but did your constitutional protection of guns was, at it’s origin, a basic tool against a State gone wrong? Up here we dont share this historical past and Québec is the only province willing to fight before our Supreme Court of Justice for the right to keep a simple arm registry. Gun limitations is certainly not an easy field. I dont intent to even try to suggest a way to solve this. All I can say is maybe this is your window to something different in your future public policies. Amicalement,
  10. I have a set of these waiting in their box along with another unopened box with a Focal Bird 2.1 system. (The focal are for the girlfriend ) By now you know one of the best known fact of life ''when you have money you usually dont have time...'' Meanwhile I'm a bit on the fence on the necessity to build another powerfull system for the Maggies. Amicalement
  11. I realy hate vacuums sound. So Miele is our choice. Amicalement
  12. There's a special song just for that; Have fun!!!! Amicalement.
  13. Seems we have a bit more chance up here. I got the Dac this afternoon. So the Québec-Canada Tour (If I may rename it... ) has officially left the starting blocks. Amicalement
  14. http://www.cnet.com.au/cambridge-audio-id100-339313584.htm Seems a bit pricey but in the end it's a nice toy. Amicalement
  15. My medical team is adamant about me finding new ways to relax....so I got rid of a few books in my office (OK many) and bought this: The 9723 Valera from BDI: I went for the whole set of Dreamcatchers 7.1 system from this guy.(With hair like this who can resist....): Ah yes....the amp (Onkyo TX-NR 808): Almost forgot the new TV (the 40 inches version): Now I need cables if I want use this stuff. Still looking for the relaxing part in all of this. Amicalement
  16. You know Mr Ben you're making me think that this thread is unhealthy for me. These guys at Swaine Adeney are selling the perfect notebook (for me at least) carrier. Look what you have done to me... Amicalement
  17. All law guys are deceptively vachement strong.... In fact I dont even plan to put a notebook in there. For that there's much stronger products I use. In the past I tried a lot of briefcases and they all fit a specific purpose like the obvious one in this case: a nice looking object. Amicalement
  18. Thanks for the nice comments, And Mr 909 you asked for it you got it: Amicalement
  19. Hello I just want to thanks 909 for the original posting responsable for this crazy briefcase I have now. Amicalement PS Warning: this model (the Classic) is a bit heavy for your girlfriends.
  20. Another one here. Amicalement
  21. Bonjour Ethan, If I were you I would keep this fact as a wild card in your back pocket. In a near future if your relation with your actual medical team suddenly goes south this could represent an opening to the legal way of getting ''r
  22. Summer time.... Amicalement
  23. Can you feel the Force?? Amicalement PS On local news there was a guy who went all the way down to Pitt for that last game. Nothing special there but he was a season ticket owner (for the last 10 years) and he said that he refused to take the series tickets option for the present season based on the poor performance of his beloved Habs....
  24. Two words: ''PowerPoint meltdown''..... Just kidding but I survived something like this and I did I felt the heat. Good luck. Amicalement
  25. One more win from Mtl and we'll be in the middle of that ''bizaro world'' someone wrote earlier..... Realy impressive indeed!!! Amicalement
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