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Everything posted by freckling

  1. freckling

    Top Chef

    But could he out cook Tim Tebow?
  2. freckling

    Top Chef

    He has Waffle House cooks on his show.
  3. freckling

    Top Chef

    we've got ourselves the...
  4. freckling

    Top Chef

    Top Chef is back! Anyone else watch this show? I'm a bit of a foodie and like it because they actually have real/legitimate chefs on the show. The first challenge was very appropriate given the setting and I thought the first elimination challenge was very revealing.
  5. Destruction of South Carolina
  6. freckling


    , how come she didn't know ? And the altered states stuff was just too much. I did like what they did with the location titles, although I was having flashbacks to Superbowls. I do heart Anna Torv, also, and John Noble was amazing -- he didn't "play" loose cannon, he just played his character, which happened to be a loose cannon. So -- wish I could like it more, but the pseudo-science was a big turn-off. Yeah, the pseudo-science does bother me a bit, but it's because it's not really consistent. ...or things like when Anna Torv interrogates the guy in the first episode to find out wow, really? or afterwards when
  7. freckling


    Just caught the first episode, and while it does seem a little rough around the edges, it has potential. I'm going to check out a few more and ride this wave for a bit. It's also good to see Reddick getting work outside of the Wire besides being a super creepy guy on Lost.
  8. freckling


    What's the verdict so far now that the show has aired a few more episodes? Is it worth catching up/getting into? I felt a bit ambivalent after watching the commercials, but J.J. Abrams's involvement has me kind of intrigued...
  9. I'll pay more attention to post dates, but I'm sorry if I'm not accustomed to 2 year old threads (or month old threads for that matter) being "active" on the front page of a forum. Chill out.
  10. It might be pushing it considering the size of your room, but take a look at some Paradigm Studio 60's. I bought a pair used for my parents at $550, but since the room they placed it in is a total mess, I can't tell how good the soundstaging is (there's a sofa directly in front of one of the speakers, etc.) Either way, for the price, I really liked them. Audiogon will become your best friend while you're trying to find speakers/amps. As an aside, does anyone know how they would position speakers in a room that's fairly square like his?
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