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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Wow, the Herus is tiny! Interested to hear how it sounds.
  2. You will be unhappy until you let it go. It is what it is and it sucks.
  3. I also love having a phone with a battery at 75%-85% at the end of the day. If I used my Nexus S regularly, it'd be extremely low or red by this point in the day (even when I first got it).
  4. I bum knee and transatlantic flight sounds awful, good luck Grahame.
  5. I did, in red - it is very nice! I haven't dropped my phone yet though. It is very snug and pretty slim. I would also like to note that the apple keyboard is so much better than the stock Android keyboard and just a bit behind Swype IMO.
  6. Happy Birthday Vicki! Hope you have a great day with Ivan and Watson!
  7. Wow, that is seriously expensive.
  8. Very cool! Sorry about Zoe's fall Brent.
  9. shellylh

    New Puppy

    Good luck with the puppy classes. Glad to hear everything is going so well.
  10. Mark Adickes http://www.memorialhermann.org/doctors/orthopedic-surgeons/dr-mark-adickes-md-212627/ http://www.jocktodoc.com/mark-adickes-md.html He seems a lot smarter than the average football player. I actually really like having a doctor whose had to go through similar surgeries himself.
  11. Jacob, I will very interested to hear how you like the Tamron 24-70 f2.8 since I certainly won't be buying the Nikon 24-70 f2.8 soon and would like (but don't need) to have a fast zoom if I go FX.
  12. Pretty good although some if the integration with calendars is not going so well. I didn't have much time to mess around with it today unfortunately. Instead, I spent the evening trying to figure out what has been biting me for the last 4 days.
  13. The first MRI I had was an Open Bore MRI machine and it was on my hip so I went in feet first. The second one was a regular one and it was on my shoulder so head first. They started putting me in there and I was freaking out. I thought it was funny because they told me to breathe shallowly so I wouldn't move the shoulder. However, I was practically hyperventilating (I'm slightly claustrophobic). The only thing that helped me through was that I figured that I had enough room to get out by wiggling like an inchworm. the next MRI I had I made sure I got to go to the Open Bore MRI again. After being in the little MRI machine, I was talking to my orthopedic surgeon (who used to be an NFL offensive lineman) and asking him how football players got MRIs. He said that he could only fit his shoulders in if he lifted his arms above his head.
  14. I'll probably be getting one but I need to wait since I'm going to use some computer funds at work to get it. The Wacom tablet is priced too high IMO.
  15. That's funny - I didn't try yet. What does work fantastically is the fingerprint Touch ID!
  16. Got the iphone 5s today and it's up and running!
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