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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. For some reason, that link is trying to take me to a page about California bullfights.
  2. I actually have a pair of KSC75 sitting around unused - the plastic earpiece broke off. I suppose it might be a bit of work to put the drivers in. It does seem like a good use of the two parts though. I thought about getting the HD600 drivers but if I am going to spend $100, at this point, I'd rather go ahead and a new pair of HD600's (even with the 80's paintjob) because that's the way I am... I don't really like putting used fabric on my face. Also the 580's headband is a looser on my head than I would like.
  3. I tried the blowing method already - that didn't work. I used a rocket blower though and maybe that is the thing that really messed up the driver? I'll try the tape trick next. Edit: tape trick no worky. They are fucked. If anyone is interested in a pair of HD580's, with one really screwed up driver and another driver with a little dent, and missing foam, let me know. Everything else seems to be ok.
  4. I followed Ari's advice to open up the headphones and take out the driver. I take off the grills and see that these have already been messed with (I got these from Deepak and assumed he bought them used), sigh. Someone removed the foam and the drivers weren't seated correctly. Sigh. I take out the left driver and try to careful get off some hair/gunk. Then I look at the right driver and it is also not seated correctly, so much that when I barely touch it, it falls on the floor. I pick it up and see that it has a little crease on the driver. I have no clue if it was there before. Oh well, that doesn't look too bad. I put back everything and plug it in and the right side sounds ok and the left side sounds much better but there is still a bit of distortion at times that is bugging me. So I keep opening it up, "carefully" getting more gunk off. However, I must have pressed my luck. The last time, I had trouble getting the driver out and once it came loose, my finger hit it severely and now the driver is really fucked (there is sound, but it is totally unlistenable). Sigh. I know that I can get a new HD600 driver from Sennheiser ($50 each?) but I would probably want to get another driver for the right side too. Since these have been messed with and are old/used, I probably will just get a shiny new pair of HD600 from Justin instead. That is, unless there is a better mid-fi headphone out there now. For now, I am using hubby's HD555 which are ok but not as nice as the HD580/600.
  5. I prefer the fade in/out to the zoom but would rather have nothing. My level seems to be more accurate now.
  6. I think someone mentioned that the FS ads were not indexed by google (although I am not true if that is true).
  7. I really want to get the retina ipad mini (it would be great for an everyday carry around and to use on the spinning bike or rower at the gym).
  8. Cool! Wish they had a 128GB with 8GB RAM. I don't need the larger HD but do need the extra RAM.
  9. I cleaned off any large hair from the pads.
  10. Mine is not showing an update available.
  11. There is nothing obvious, even using a magnifying glass. There are some little hairs and particles though - maybe about the same as on the right side.
  12. OK, so how should I clean the gunk off? Isopropyl alcohol and ....?
  13. When it rains it pours... I did a potentially stupid thing yesterday (took off the cover/earpad on the HD580 while music was playing) and now there seems to be some distortion* on the left side. It is definitely the headphones (I have switched out the amp/dac). Could this be anything more than getting some fuzz hair on the driver - I don't see anything obvious with the naked eye - or could there be some other damage since the driver was being used when I removed the cover? If there is some dust or hair, how do I get it off, especially if it is not obvious where it is? *I think it is distortion. When playing low bass, it buzzes a bit like really cheap speakers turned up too loud.
  14. One of my friends just picked up a Surface Pro 2 at the Microsoft store with no pre-order. You might want to call around Chris.
  15. You almost got your wish... but Nicks was able to get a whopping 4 points so we tied. I thought for sure I had a chance of winning this week (despite Brady's suckness).
  16. Happy Belated Birthday Dusty!!!
  17. I am pretty sure mine is off; it is showing plus or minus 3-4 degrees on a lot of floors and tables in my house. Our house is not level but it should probably be less than 1 degree based on some measurements that the foundation company recently took. Also, it is quite different than the results I am getting with the cheap torpedo level I have. Does it matter for me, probably not. I don't have any racecars to crash. It would be nice if it could be fixed with software though I don't know if that is possible.
  18. I live for carnitas! Ok, not quite. I'll have to try it. You should have used corn tortillas though.
  19. That one looks very nice! I was looking at this one which is about the same price. Have you heard of it? Maybe it is used more for canning though. What is a good size (cooking usually for 2 people)? http://www.amazon.com/All-American-921-2-Quart-Pressure/dp/B00004S88Z/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1382312316&sr=8-8&keywords=pressure+cooker
  20. Just looked up that book and it looks very good. This and a good pressure cooker sounds like a nice Christmas gift. I'll have to start looking into pressure cookers then... any recommendations? I assume stove top is better than an electric one. My stove isn't super great at cooking really really low but I hope to get a new stove at some point.
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