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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I'm sure my husband will appreciate that.
  2. I just meant that you probably shouldn't give me so much credit since I didn't really do much fixing or DIYing. I just stuck a pair Koss ksc75 drivers in them (Ari style). That is my hand though, not sure if I have man hands. They'd be really small man hands though.
  3. I think Nate perhaps didn't see the picture...
  4. "Fixed" my HD580, thanks Ari. Cable's a little short though.
  5. Excellent information Jeffy. I may have to pick up some of those.
  6. 17*5*4 = 340 and 29*7*4 = 812 Seems obvious to me.
  7. Thanks Ric! Mine now rotates on the ipad, just not on the iphone (which isn't really necessary imo).
  8. I think I used PIP exactly one time in my life just to try it out. It would try me crazy to have video games being played right next to a movie. Maybe that's what happens to people without kids though.
  9. At least my other QB on the bench didn't get 40 points... oh wait.
  10. Sorry Justin, that looks horrible and horribly painful!
  11. and my kicker outscores my quarterback once again (even after switching out Locker for Brady).
  12. I have been very happy with the Samsung LN52B750 tv we bought 4.5 years ago and haven't felt a need to upgrade. http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52B750-52-Inch-1080p-Charcoal/dp/B001VKY7WU
  13. Well my eye papercut seems to be superficial since it is all better now. I guess the eye really does heal fast. Now I am back writing letters of recommenation, this time with safety goggles.
  14. It takes talent Grahame. Evidently I do.
  15. Ooh, raccoons are cool but kinda scary, especially ghostly ones. I spent the last two days writing letters of recommendation and have to write another one tomorrow. It's that time of the year.... I also got a paper cut in my eye - it hurt but it is better now.
  16. Glad I got the iphone 5s and didn't wait for the Nexus 5. It's so nice to use a phone than fits in my pocket and that I can use with one hand.
  17. Could you pick one up for me while you're at it, kthxbye.
  18. I thought both the DT770 and DT990 both had more of a boosted bass than the DT880 which was supposed to be more neutral. I know the DT770 has a ridiculous amount of bass but thought the DT990 was like the DT880 but with boosted bass and highs or something like that. My memory may be lying to me thought (and I've never heard the DT880, only the 990 and 770). I guess I was into odd numbers back then.
  19. I would like to try the DT880 some day (which version is supposed to be best?). Don't know why I bought the DT990 instead of the DT880 years ago. I guess I was still in my basshead days.
  20. I am jealous. Of course, maybe the fear of pain will help me in the long run. I had to get one from grinding me teeth at night. You can be sure that, after that experience, I wear my mouthguard every single night now!
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