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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. "O Brother, Where Art Though" soundtrack [DSD]
  2. I suppose I won't get any sympathy when I complain that it is only 54 degrees here today (first cold day here). I am a cold weather wimp.
  3. Just saw the Esme review! Cute!
  4. Corn are the best!
  5. Looks and sounds great Nate!
  6. Another superb performance for my QB (Locker: -3), why didn't I just go with Keenum instead of listening to the "experts"?
  7. Thanks for the impressions, they sound great so far.
  8. Excellent news Justin! How is your energy level?
  9. That is good to know.
  10. The Torpedo sounds very good with the HD600. One thing to note is that it doesn't have the absolutely black background as Doug's other amps. I get the slightest bit of hum in one channel with no music playing but don't notice anything when music is playing.
  11. Yep, it is ugly and I really don't like it.
  12. Happy birthday twinsey Mikey and Chris! Hope your birthdays are filled will booze and bikes.
  13. I agree that Doug's products are great. However, you may have to wait for a while to get one. I am pretty sure that he is completely out of DSHA-1 and L-2 and doesn't plan to make another batch of them. You'll have to wait for the next latest and greatest or try to find something used. I haven't heard the HP2 (and generally don't listen to Grado) but I also really like the TTVJ Peak (I have it with the Volcano). Be sure to upgrade the tube though. I haven't heard the Schiit stuff (except their Bifrost DAC) so I can't comment on that. Ryan reviews the Peak here. http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/apex-hi-fi-audio-peak-headphone-amp-and-volcano-power-supply
  14. Giving Smashburger another chance. It was ok but they forgot one important thing on the bacon cheeseburger, the BACON! WTF?
  15. Looks great Adrian!
  16. Rest up Justin!
  17. Oh wow Doug, that sounds truly awful.
  18. Cool, I am looking forward to your impression.
  19. Tyll seems to like them a whole lot. http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/i-love-these-headphonesthe-nad-viso-hp50 Color me interested. I suppose nobody else around here has heard them though. Some people say that are more open and brighter than the Momentum which would be nice.
  20. "That said here we are staring doggedly at a $5.000 6-bottle headphone amp that can drive four cans at the same time. " Well, that's quite a deal, only $1250 per headphone. Seriously, who the fuck wants to use 4 headphones at a time. I guess this must be for a family of four. But wait, what if you have 6 kids....
  21. Classes end the 25th so this might be doable for me.
  22. Fuck, I would not want to be there.
  23. Good luck Justin, have fun with your meds afterwards.
  24. Good luck with the move Steve! I am imagining the move as you, on the scooter, with your new tool belt on, a suitcase strapped to your back, and Susie in a basket on the front on the scooter.
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