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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Well, if you like to buy and sell stuff instead of listening then universals will clearly be superior. Seriously though, I have talked to some people who are afraid to buy customs because (1) they are afraid that they won't like them or will have buyer's remorse or (2) will want to upgrade and won't be able to sell their old pair for $$$ towards the new pair. This will give them a chance to buy high end iems without those worries. Also, going to and finding a good audiologist can be a pain depending where you live. I suppose it is probably easier nowadays. Then there is the fun of sending back your customs when they don't quite fit perfectly... (wish I would have done that with mine).
  2. I think the SRM-323s should be good with any of the Lambdas like the 307 (I've never heard it though). I've thought of getting one for the office at times. It would probably have trouble with something like the SR-007.
  3. Cheers guys and Vicki! Wish I were there!!!
  4. Haha. Glad you are getting some answers Grahame. Also, hope it gets better on its own (with physio).
  5. Electrostatics are really good. What headphones are you going to be using?
  6. That looks fantastic! I have been wanting to grill some lamb lately.
  7. Cool, I guess I can't do too much damage...
  8. These are housed in a HD580 so the weight won't be such a problem. They won't be used as a portable or I would just stick with the stock cable. Thanks Nate! Let me know how much I owe you if you find some. I assume this will make it more flexible and lighter? I do have an extra HD580 cable... perhaps this would be easier than starting from scratch. Would one be easier than the other?
  9. For fun and experience (and because the KSC75 cable is too short), I would like to recable the KSC75 in my Frankenstein HD580/KSC75. I've seen Mogami and Canare minis recommended. I was looking at Mogami W2799 and W2893 since people claim Mogami is more flexible than Canare. Is one of these better than the other for flexibility? Anything else I should consider.
  10. Haven't seen any bb around lately and have been sprayed twice so probably but you probably should wait a few more weeks to be sure.
  11. By the way, I can vouch for Joel - he's been a friend of mine (originally from HF) for many years. Joel, listen to Ari, he knows what he is talking about. Also, don't do/say anything too stupid here - a warning. Also, when you joined there may not have been a welcome message, so I might as well tell you to read this in case you haven't already.
  12. Hmm, I guess I'll just have to decide if they are lying about the CE certification or not I guess. The thing that worries me is that Emotiva buys these from a Chinese company and rebrands them (adding a warranty and supposedly a CE certification). I just don't trust that the random Chinese company would do something that costs more. Edit: Here is what the president of Emotiva said "QMS is the local market brand name of their manufacturing partner in China. Emotiva developed a version of this monitor product for their exclusive use under the Emotiva Pro brand. It was a brand new project for QMS, and they had already opened some of the tooling. Emotiva loved the look, so they purchased rights to use it, and they have exclusivity for the USA. Also, please note that the Emotiva units are voiced quite a bit differently and subject to a completely different quality standard than the locally produced versions, as Emotiva's QC standards are very high. Also, the prices shown for QMS are for local market China sale. A consumer trying to buy these in China to import them to the USA while paying duties, confirming that the China made variant is RoHS compliant and will even be allowed to enter the USA, would be cost prohibitive and very difficult. Then, what does the consumer do if it breaks? Send it back to China to some trading company? What they do with variants of this product in their local China market is out of Emotiva's control. Remember, Emotiva buys them by the thousands, literally! Emotiva certifies them for safety compliance, ships them to the USA, pays freight, duty, and customs fees. Emotiva does incoming quality testing, etc. They then ship them to you FREE with a 30 day in home trial, and back it with a 5 years parts and labor warranty. This is something you can't get by buying a variant from China." So it seems like Emotiva might have designed these after all.
  13. Haha, when I was asking hubby about this, he told me I need to get some drugs. When Nate said that I immediately started thinking of all the things in my house that are probably less than perfectly safe... maybe I do need some drugs, at least a drink.
  14. Ok, I can understand the reason for using a 3 prong plug with no ground (for polarity reasons or maybe because it is more structurally sound) and understand not wanting to introduce ground loops but I don't understand why they go on and on saying that one must use a grounded outlet... also, I still don't see why it is safe, especially with the metal plate in back and the metal screws.
  15. I got the Airmotiv 4 today and they sound great. They are also so small! However, I have a safety concern that I wanted to ask about. First, they are not grounded but have a metal plate in back. This concerns me - seems dangerous. I know there is a lot of electronic equipment that is not grounded but I would guess that having the metal in back and using high voltage (I assume it is high voltage) would require a ground. It uses a 3 prong cord but there is no connection to the ground. Here is a picture of the IEC inlet. Second (and this is the weird thing), the manual clearly says the following. Why would they say that if the ground was connected to nothing. p.9 Quick Start: • Plug your airmotiv powered studio monitors into grounded AC electrical outlets. If you use a different power cord or extension cord, use only a three-prong grounded type. p. 20 Operation: • Plug your airmotiv powered studio monitors into a grounded electrical outlet of appropriate voltage. (Verify that your airmotiv powered studio monitors are the correct models for your local AC line voltage. The correct line voltage is shown on the rear panel.) p. 29 under Safety Instructions: Always connect your airmotiv powered monitor to a properly grounded outlet which supplies the correct voltage, using either the supplied power cord or an equivalent replacement. The airmotiv powered monitor draws very little power, and you may safely use a longer replacement cord or extension cord if desired. (If so, always use a three-prong grounded type.) http://emotiva.com/resources/manuals/airmotiv4_manual.pdf I am happy with the very speakers but would want definitely send them back if there is any safety concerns. It's just not worth the worry and risk to me. Perhaps someone can explain what might be going on here. I guess Colin has a pair so maybe he can explain things to me. Edit: I found a picture of the inside of the Airmotiv 5 (don't know if this is similar to Airmotiv 4). It also doesn't seem to have a ground connection (see second picture).
  16. "O Brother, Where Art Though" soundtrack [DSD]
  17. I suppose I won't get any sympathy when I complain that it is only 54 degrees here today (first cold day here). I am a cold weather wimp.
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