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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. shellylh


    Ugh, I left out the carbon steel pan out by accident and my house keeper cleaned it. I assume she cleaned it with soap and water like she does other pans. I don't notice any rust but it didn't have much of a coat of seasoning to begin with (and it would be hard to see rust against the brown background). Perhaps I'll clean it a bit with some vinegar and paper towels in case there is a bit of rust and then do more seasoning. I don't really want to strip off all the seasoning and start over again. Edit: Nope, I do see some rust around the "screws." Sigh, I feel like getting a new pan and starting over. I knew I should have put it away last night before I forgot.
  2. Couldn't work, it is deeper than it is wide (and it's not for sale).
  3. Gilmore Lite will be perfect if you can find one. Also, couldn't you stack the DAC on top of the amp instead of the other way around? You could then get something a little bigger if needed. The Schiit might be something to look into if you can't find a Glite.
  4. How did I miss this? Happy birthday John!
  5. Fuck yeah! I did 2 real (dead-hang both times, palms facing away from me, no swinging, etc.) pullups in a row today at the gym!!! I was pretty beat after that and couldn't start a third.
  6. shellylh


    The GS Mini is supposed to be a great travel guitar. It is supposed to be much better than the Big Baby (not really portable actually) and Baby Taylor. I would get it if you think you will use it. They should have them locally to try out at GC. I guess you could also borrow Dusty's.
  7. Yet another reason I am glad that I didn't buy a Surface Pro 2.
  8. shellylh


    What type of Bar Keepers Friend do you use for pans, the "Soft Cleanser" or "Cookware Cleanser"? http://retail.barkeepersfriend.com/Texas I got the pan but perhaps I messed it up a bit. I followed the directions on the pan for a beginning seasoning since I didn't have time to do your full seasoning. I used some vinegar and hot water to clean it (since I had a bit of rust on the pan and no Bar Keepers Friend). Then I put some corn oil (I didn't have any Crisco) since that is what I have used on my cast iron pans and heated it up until it smoked. The problem is that I heated it up too long and now there is burn sticky corn oil residue on the bottom in some places. So I am thinking I should start over with some Bar Keepers Friend. Is there a reason to use Crisco over other vegetable oil? I never keep Crisco in the house. The corn oil I have is not "refined" so maybe its smoking point is too low. Edit: It seems that people just use the regular BKF powder cleanser for cookware and there isn't much difference between that and the more expensive "cookware."
  9. Hmm, the Op/Tech sounds like it might be nice when using a quick release plate.
  10. I guess I don't really have any real fitness goals for this year except to finish the year with no new or old injuries and to be in better shape than I am now. In particular, I hope I am not still dealing with bicep tendonitis issues in a year (like I was all last year). Here are some of the goals I have been working on: 1. Be able to do 3-5 real (dead-hang, palms facing away from you) pull-ups; I can do one real one (and multiple fake ones right now). 2. Gain more flexibility in my hips for squats. Get my shoulder healed enough to do back squats instead of front squats. 3. Be able to ride a bike outside again (another shoulder issue). I also don't want to crash on a bike.
  11. Ugh, hope you get your furnace fixed Dan.
  12. Ha, I need to remember that one.
  13. Well, there is that. I've never noticed my fingers turning white so I think I am ok for the Raynauds syndrome (couldn't hurt to ask at my physical though). I don't actually think I am all that different than a lot of other women. In seminars, the women are often putting on blankets while the men think the temperature is just fine or even too warm. We just happen to have colder extremities than men.
  14. I suppose that works for men (and some women) but when it is too cold, my hands and feet never warm up enough to get to sleep. Even now, I am in my house where it is 72 and I am wearing long underwear under my clothes and a light fleece (plus smart wool socks on my feet), my hands and feet are still very cold (enough that it slows down my work).
  15. Hope you found a solution. Sleeping in the low 60s is not recommended. That reminds me of the apartment in Boston I had (really it was an attic of an old house). Several times a winter, always on a Friday night, the furnace would break. It is difficult yo get someone to come out on Friday night apparently and I would end up sleeping in a very cold apartment (in the 50s) on the floor by the fireplace and space heater. Not fun. We spent a lot of Sunday insulating the outside pipes and spigots, and covering all the vents to the crawlspace. We also kept some dripping faucets last night but it barely got into the 20s. Guess it is better to be safe than sorry (although I could have used that time on Sunday to work with my coauthor who is in town).
  16. Hope everyone keeps warm tonight! I cannot imagine how cold it is there. We are just hoping it stays above 20 so the pipes don't burst. We are such wimps in the south.
  17. Wow, so much winteryness!
  18. shellylh


    Sweet!!! Now to build up those calluses.
  19. Still couldn't get a hold of them this morning so we just bought one way tickets on Southwest for Tuesday. [The problem is that my mother-in-law only has enough heart medication to made it until Tuesday.]
  20. Now, United outdoes themselves. After waiting in line for several hours at the airport to get rebooked on an earlier flight, my father-in-law thought he was able to get seats on a flight on Monday (he is a little hard of hearing and gets confused though). We get home and look on the computer to find out that my mother-in-law is booked for 2 flights on Wednesday and my father-in-law no longer has any reserved flights. My husband has been waiting on the phone for about 2 hours to try and talk to someone and can't get through to anyone. Fuckers.
  21. I think it is just less prone to breaking if there is a freeze due to ability to expand.
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