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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Missed Jacob's back problem - sorry, that sucks.
  2. It depends what you call cold. I would call anything under 60 degrees cold and this weather miserable. We get snow or ice storms every once in a while (not every year) but they seem to be happening more often recently. The freezes in the winter we've been having and the drought we had a couple of years ago have made my banana trees very very unhappy! The good news is the ice storm has caused classes to be canceled today so I can stay home and do research.
  3. When I went to work today it was 60 degree and nice, now it is 35 degress and rainy. We're supposed to get freezing rain here tonight and possibly extending until noon tomorrow, WTF??? Hope we don't lose power.
  4. Thanks, I'll look into it.
  5. I guess we all expected that.
  6. Happy Birthday Mike!!! Have a martini or two for me!
  7. According to this, 320 kbps streaming is only for premium customers. https://support.spotify.com/us/learn-more/faq/#!/article/What-bitrate-does-Spotify-use-for-streaming You also have to be a premium member to use it with SB Touch. https://support.spotify.com/us/learn-more/faq/#!/article/Logitech
  8. Seems that Spotify Premium is twice as much as Mog (the basic plan is $5 and allows you to stream on desktop plus logitech app,...). I don't like that.
  9. Dammit, I have been really enjoying MOG. Anything else that streams 320kbps, works well with SB Touch, runs in a browser, has a large collection, and is reasonably priced?
  10. Starting The Wire over again - Season 1 Episode 1 - I love this show.
  11. I sold the PS500's a while back so that isn't going to work. I have actually been using the 404LEs quite a bit recently (more than any other headphones at home) but I could give them up for a couple of weeks. I am still hesitant to let people borrow stuff from the house because of the bbs but mostly likely they are fine. For example, all of our clothing is still is giant ziplock bags (it was dried on hot and then put in the to keep the bbs away) and our bed is still isolated in the middle of the room with climbups under the legs. It's is probably about time to get back to normalcy (it has been at least 7 weeks since I have gotten a bite). The Torpedo amp has been in the office the entire time so it is much less of a risk (although not completely risk free). Thanks Nate! I do really like the amp so I might ask you if you could do this later in the year. For now (because of the very small risk of spreading bed bugs), I wouldn't want to ship it to you. The risk is pretty small but I would hate myself if you offered to help me out and I gave you bed bugs. Nate built it. I don't know if that helps at all.
  12. shellylh


    I usually fry an egg on lowish but I use a cast iron pan and I use butter.
  13. Would they work on the prototype? Oh wait, I don't think I should be messing with HV just yet.
  14. Joel, When you get an dynamic headphone, let me know if you want to borrow the DIY Torpedo. It has been in my office so most likely bb free. It is a really fun amp and works with high and low impedance amp. The only downside is it has a hint of hum which I don't notice at all except when there is no music. According to Doug, this has been fixed in the newer version.
  15. shellylh


    Heat it up until it just starts to smoke? Would 15-20 minutes of smoking oil be enough?
  16. shellylh


    Ok, I'll keep going. I was afraid that if the seasoning built up too much then it would flake off in one big piece. Maybe I'll even try cooking some food I plan to eat one of these days. By the way, I have some high heat refined canola oil (up to 450F). I suppose I need to put the oven over 450 to season with that stuff.
  17. shellylh


    John: Did you use anything besides steel wool? John and Nebby: Did you clean it with BKF, soap, or something else when you first got it (before seasoning)? So I decided that maybe I scrubbed it enough with baking soda, vinegar, salt and oil to get off the soap residue and decided to just trying seasoning it again (2 x 1 hour in the oven with a layer of Crisco each time). I'm not sure that was such a good idea. There is quite a bit of sticky residue (more than the first time). I also ordered another pan in case I totally fuck this one up (which maybe isn't possible if one is willing to scrub a lot and start over again). I wonder if I should keep seasoning or strip it and then season. Here is a picture of it now.
  18. According to the "original" ad, it was built in a Hammond 1455T2201BK case which is about 8.6 x 6.3 and then Naaman put custom front and back wood panels on it. That should give you an idea.
  19. Didn't realize Mike's (Tyrion) Zebra M^3 was still up for sale. Buy it!!!
  20. shellylh


    Confirmed that the housekeeper did indeed wash it with soap (luckily only soap and not Comet or 409!). Trying to decide whether to scrub all the seasoning off and start again... I scrubbed a bit with baking soda and then some vinegar (and then hot water), and then cooked up some onions in oil. I then tried scrubbing with some kosher salt/oil. It now looks worse than ever! Also, after using BKF on the pan when I first got it, there was definitely some brown showing up so maybe there was also rust. So maybe it is never going to get a good seasoning (if there is a bit of rust underneath). Also thinking of just getting another pan and starting over... that's just how I am. I also read that BKF should never be used on CS since it can cause rusting. Is there any truth to this? If I get a new one, maybe I'll just wash with hot water and soap the first time instead of BKF. Here's what the pan looks like right now.
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