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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. How did a rock get in the grinder? I hope it wasn't in the coffee beans. Hope the weekend gets better.
  2. Looks good except for the crawfish.
  3. Wow, everyone is so cuddly today.
  4. Looks like the Kraken rum, nothing too exciting.
  5. Steve, Sorry to hear about your mom's medical issues. If you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods, give me a call. It would be great to see you again.
  6. The small ones on the right are awesome! I would love to have something like that for the office.
  7. Looks great Doug! I am looking forward to the impressions.
  8. Do I dare admit this? Sure, I am a product of the 80's and I have no shame.
  9. I'll be keeping the KGSS for at least a short* while so I guess I'll have the best of all worlds. *I probably won't feel comfortable selling anything until the bbs have been gone for at least a year.
  10. Ok, I'll wait around and start watching prices. I am assuming that even with the new release Mullards, the BHSE is going to kick the shit out of the KGSS with the SR-007.
  11. So I started thinking about whether to get a quad of XF2. If they are more reliable that the SEDs and new release Mullards (and sound better too) then I probably should get a pair because I probably will in the long run. I wouldn't like the idea of a bad tube messing up BHSE. I've bought from Brent Jesse before and he seems pretty honest to me. He has two options for Mullard XF2 NOS. 1) I am wondering if there is any reason to go with the $500/pair or are they just going to be "prettier." 2) Should I buy from someone else? Could have better/bigger supply for better matching and better testing equipment? 3) I am not sure that I can get matched quads but matched pairs should be ok.... should I try to search for a matched quad? Here is what Brent Jesse says about matching (I have no idea what this means): NEW! CURVE TRACER MATCHING AVAILABLE! We can match most small signal preamp tubes and we now match all of our power output tubes on a Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This runs the tube at full rated plate and screen voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. This matching is provided at no extra charge for any EL34/6CA7 type of power tubes! http://www.audiotubes.com/el34.htm The other option is that I use the new release Mullard for a while and see how I like the BHSE with them.
  12. Didn't know about mirror lock up, thanks for the pointer. That is my longest lens (Tamron 70-300 VC) but the picture I posted above was only at 210mm on D7100. I took some at 300mm but I didn't really like them as much. Here is one of them. I haven't tried cropping them yet. Larry: I would guess that a broomstick would be a pretty horrible tripod.
  13. I took this recipe and changed it a bit to make it less of a soup and more like a dish with lentils. 3 cups of low sodium chicken broth instead of 4-14oz 5 slices of bacon because that is how much I had in the fridge green onion instead of leeks since I didn't have leeks an extra 3 garlic cloves 1 sprig of rosemary (probably more than they called for) I topped it with feta I only let it simmer for 30-35 minutes (I just tested it for doneness, still a bit firm but cooked). I probably should have added some celery but got lazy. I forgot how much I love split peas. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Split-Pea-Soup-with-Bacon-and-Rosemary-103872
  14. Got up to see the Lunar Eclipse last night. Here is my attempt at photographing the event. I am pretty happy with it but I am wondering if anyone has advice on how I could have made the picture better (besides staying up later). I tried to shoot at a lower iso but even on a tripod, I was getting movement from pressing the button (didn't have my remote with me). There is no post processing.
  15. Split peas cooked with bacon, onion, carrots, garlic, rosemary, bay leaf, and chicken broth.
  16. I never thought about substituting Cauliflower for Rice, that is a great idea.
  17. Just did my taxes and I owe a lot more than I thought I would. No new toys for a while.
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