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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. You can still tell me to get it since I can always send the Ricoh back but I'm still not going to listen to you. The RX1 does seem pretty awesome though!!!
  2. Chronic pain/injuries suck. Sorry CJ.
  3. Done! I decided to just do it and send it back if I don't like it (instead of endlessly reading reviews).
  4. That is too bad. I guess I better stop sharing the 30yr (with non-HCers). The 40yr is available. http://www.binnys.com/spirits/Black_Bull_40_Year_Old_Deluxe_Blended_Scotch_Whisky_160594.html I saw the Kyloe a week ago but didn't know much about it. I'll probably buy another 12yr before they sell out again.
  5. Thanks Ari! The straight out of camera pics do seem a little softer with less pop but are by no means horrible (as some on other sites have implied). I read that the straight out of camera B&W are supposed to be very nice. I am not against doing post processing but usually don't (and I am not very good at it - it is probably about time to get a book, and sit down and learn the basics). I have been reading about the "snap focus" feature of the Ricoh and it seems pretty awesome. Right now I am leaning towards the Ricoh GR but I think I'll wait a few days before buying... or not.
  6. Good luck with the move Stretch! Today was the first day of my year long sabbatical (thanks to Rice and a fellowship from the Simon Foundation)! Unfortunately, I didn't get as much research done as I would have liked.
  7. I'm not really fond of buying from people I don't know.
  8. The X100 and X100s are quite a bit bigger than the Ricoh GR and Sony RX100iii. Also the X100S is out of my price range and the X100 is 3 years old and isn't sold by bhphoto. Plus I think they are really ugly.
  9. I'm seriously considering the Ricoh GR. I assume, being only a year old, that there won't be a newer model coming out right away. Edit: I just read that Ricoh GR isn't great if you want to for jpg. I'll have to read more about this. Do you have any experience with this Ari?
  10. The S95 is a nice camera for still objects in good light but I can't really get a decent photo in low light or if it involves moving objects. I might be able to live with 28mm only. Both the Ricoh GR and Sony RX100 iii look very good. Will the larger sensor of the f/2.8 Ricoh will make more of a difference in low light than the f/1.8 lens of the Sony (at it's widest), at least in theory?
  11. The XT1 is too expensive for a "backup" camera (for me). I would like to stay under $1000 with a lens. I'll look into the Ricoh GH. Thanks for the link Jacob. I'll look into The Mark I and II but it seems like the lens on the Mark III is significantly better.
  12. How is the low light performance on such a camera? It has a rather large sensor for a P&S but still is a lot small than any of the APS-C sensors. It also seems weird to spend so much on a P&S.
  13. I'm not planning to replace the D7100, just want to have something to use when I am having shoulder problems and/or I don't want to lug around a DSLR. For example, I went to California on a trip to visit family a couple of weeks ago and would usually have taken my DSLR but I didn't want to mess up my shoulder so I just took the P&S (Canon S95). I don't really want something the size of the SL-1 - too big. I'd get a D3200/3300 before that since I already have a bunch of lenses for Nikon. I basically want something the size of Nex5 plus pancake lens or slightly bigger (a camera you could put in a jacket/hoodie pocket. The A6000 + 16-50 or small prime lens might fit the bill.
  14. I've been having a lot of trouble with my shoulder(s) again for the past 2 months* so I was thinking of getting another mirrorless camera. I had the NEX5 with kit zoom which was ok but I didn't carry it around very much since the zoom lens was a bit large. Is there anything I should look at besides the NEX line? *I got a massage and they hurt me bad enough to send back me to PT (probably a nerve issue) - so so frustrating.
  15. According to this, you can't use MS Security essentials on Windows 8. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-security-essentials-help#microsoft-security-essentials-help=windows-8&v2h=win7tab1&v3h=winvistatab1&v4h=winxptab1
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try out Avast for now. Hopefully it doesn't slow down the computer much. I just want a pdf reader, I also have BlueBeam for marking up pdfs but It isn't great for just reading pdfs. I'm not a fan of Adobe reader, too slow. I'll look into FoxIt but I remember reading something about it I didn't like (I think it was something about the installation process). I totally forgot WinEdt, that is what I used as a grad student/postdoc; thanks for the reminder.
  17. I see that your insurance doesn't cover cleaning the wound after getting the stitches. Sorry about the pain!
  18. I haven't really used a Windows computer much* in the past 10 years but now have a Surface Pro 3 and thought I might end up using it on trips when I want a tablet with me. My hope is that I can successfully install Ubuntu on it in the future and maybe someone can figure out how to get the Type Keyboard working with Ubuntu. For now, I'll probably be sticking to Windows so I need software advice. What is the best/fastest/least buggy... 1) Virus Scan (I assume I will need one of these). I am leaning towards Avast or Sophos right now. 2) Pdf reader - Chrome reader it ok but it would be nice to have one not tied to the browser. I tried Sumatra but it is a little slower than I would like. On OS X, I usually use Skim or Preview. 3) Latex and general editor to edit html, python, etc. I'm sure I'll think of some more soon. *I have used a Windows Tablet PC but didn't use it for anything except Adobe Illustrator and Windows Journal. I also didn't have it connected to the internet most of the time.
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