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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. The Brain Bag was far too large/heavy when I tried it but it was really built well. I am not sure how tall your wife is but I am only 5'2" (for reference).
  2. I would just get a regular backpack and use a laptop sleeve (like Dan said). I would wholeheartedly recommend the Tom Bihn backpacks. I have been carrying the Tom Bihn Smart Alec nearly everyday for 3 years and it is still in nearly perfect condition. I tried out a Synapse 19 and it was a little too small for my needs but depending on what she is carrying, that or the larger synapse may work well. Both Synapse and Smart Alec are very light to start with and have very comfortable straps. The zippers are also really great and the backpacks are very water resistant. The synapse has more organization whereas the Smart Alec basically has one large compartment. I tried the Red Oxx backpack and found it (mostly the straps) to be extremely uncomfortable and very heavy even empty.
  3. Replaced the broken shifter push knob on our car. I am always reluctant to fix car problems myself but this was an easy one*. Cost = $12.31! *Except, like usual, I did break a tiny plastic piece disassembling it but it doesn't seem to affect anything. We had to pick up the part at the dealer and while there we checked out (but didn't test drive) the new Accord 4dr and coupe. They are pretty nice looking, certainly a lot nicer than ours (from 2004). It seems really hard to get in the back seat of the coupe so we probably won't end up getting one (although I probably would if it were up to me since we don't have a kid). We also sat in (but did not test drive) the Ford Fusion at the dealer down the road. I liked the feel of the Accord better - the console is up really high in the Fusion. We'll probably do some test drives next weekend, Tim didn't feel like doing it today.
  4. Most of the stuff I really want to compute, I do on our aging server (which is not all that fast) and I end up running for days/weeks and it never finishes (runs out of RAM or I give up on it). A slightly faster computer probably wouldn't help. I just sucks that Apple can't make a reasonably priced desktop with desktop class Intel chips (and a dedicated GPU). The old Mac Pros were more reasonable.
  5. I do wish Apple would make a desktop like the higher end iMacs without a monitor attached. This is the only reason I am thinking of doing a hackintosh. The new Mac Pros are great, just way too much money for me. It's such a waste to be throwing away a monitor every 3-4 years.
  6. I thought the point of fishing was to sit around and drink beer and hope not to catch anything because then you might have to do work.
  7. Everything else that is valuable I put in the study and I'm keeping that room off limits. Hubby wouldn't let me put the "TV" speakers in there though. I don't think he's going to let me put a fence in front of it or something like that.
  8. Nevermind. I just remembered that the speakers came with grills. Duh.
  9. I have a 2 year old staying at the house this week and I am afraid she is going to want to put legos or some other toy in the front port of my Monitor Audio 6 (for some reason Tim wants to have her play right next to the speaker system). The speakers have front ports. Would it be ok to cover the front ports with some sort of light cloth for the week (while the system is on). This is the main tv setup so I can't put the speakers in a different room. I'm not so concerned about the sound but whether it could damage the amplifier. My guess is that is probably ok but will look like shit. I was thinking of using thin like a disposable dish cloth like this.
  10. Congratulations Nate and Maura!!!
  11. Nice Jeff! I would really like to get a kayak! The bay here is only about 1/2 hour away. I really wanted to learn how to windsurf this summer but I it doesn't look like I'll get to a point where my shoulder/biecp will be able to handle it. Kayaking seems a lot more doable (after a couple more months of rehab).
  12. Glad everything is ok in the end Al, that must have scared the shit out of you! [sorry to reply so late to your post. For some reason, your post is not showing up in tapatalk for me.]
  13. But that would block the speakers!
  14. Thanks for the link Doug, we need to redo our dining room table. I may use this.
  15. Not under warranty (from 2008 I believe). Maybe I can trade hubby for his other Dell (if it doesn't buzz). Also, I am thinking that 24" or 25" monitor is plenty big so I'll probably go for that over a 27".
  16. Zero surge here. Lots of big afternoon thunderstorms here so it seems worth the price.
  17. I also just noticed that the Dell buzzes a bit, didn't notice that with the Apple Cinema Display.
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