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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I tried to get a flu shot this week at my work but they told me I had to get it at my doctor's office because I had a reaction to it last year. So now I have to wait until I get back from Germany.
  2. So I finally decided to put Lacy on my bench this week....
  3. I tried my friend's iphone 6+ today and liked that it was less wide that the Note (whatever number) that I tried. It is still way too big for me but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For example, I could hold it as a phone without worrying about dropping it. I couldn't however reach even half way up the screen with one hand (so even the home button software help didn't help).
  4. Can you do this with the builtin firewall in Windows 8? I can only seem to make rules and deny all connections (incoming or outgoing) that aren't specified in a rule? I would like to block everything and have it ask me everytime there is a new incoming or outgoing connection.
  5. I don't see the problem, I think you would look great in that costume Ric!
  6. It is a super cool program. I'd be happy to know if there was one for Windows as well.
  7. Thanks for the comments! The WRX is way too young/sporty looking for hubby, the new Acura TLX looks very nice. We'll definitely check that out when we get around to test driving cars. We did end up renting a 2014 Ford Fusion (with ecoboost) this weekend and I didn't like it as much as our 2004 Accord v6 so that car is definitely out.
  8. Is this on integrated graphics or using the extenal gpu? Yuck.
  9. I figured out how to get back the md5 checksum option in disk utility. defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility advanced-image-options 1 I checked the md5 checksum of the iso in terminal and I get a different answer than I do in disk utility, weird. The hash in terminal is correct, the one listed in disk utility is wrong. What is up with that? Edit: Nevermind, I was selecting "MD5 image checksum" instead of "MD5" in disk utility. Evidently they are different.
  10. That is from 2009 and I'm not sure that guy knows what he is doing.
  11. How do you check the md5 checksum on a DVD (in Mac OS X 10.8.5)? Disk utility doesn't seem to do it anymore. I downloaded and burned a version of Ubuntu to a DVD and want to check and make sure it burned correctly before installing.
  12. One should always max out with any sort of matching program!
  13. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, 'Gone Girl' http://www.npr.org/2014/09/25/350948108/first-listen-trent-reznor-atticus-ross-gone-girl-motion-picture-soundtrack
  14. Does anyone know a good alternative to Little Snitch (http://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html) on Linux. Little Snitch basically alerts you to any outgoing network connections and allows to to deny or allow the connection.
  15. Do you mean on Mac, Linux or on any operating system? I assume by this you mean to make an admin account and a user account and only log in as a user (never under the admin account). Is that even possible on Windows?
  16. I like Mac OS X a LOT but if Apple starts going downhill without Steve Jobs, I would like to already be up and running on Linux (no way I'm going back to Windows). I may also try and run Linux on my tablet. I have heard internet peoples say stuff like Ubuntu and Mint are real linux so you shouldn't use them. I don't know what they are talking about. I will probably look more into current versions of Linux Mint and Ubuntu since I've used them a bit in the past and seem to be easy to use (and most things work "out of the box"). Do you think this might be a good reason to use Linux Mint over Ubuntu. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/mint-17-the-perfect-place-for-linux-ers-to-wait-out-ubuntu-uncertainty/
  17. Since I can't seem to get my Macbook Pro 15" (2011) working correctly with Mac OS X, I was thinking that I would try installing Linux on it (where it seems easy to turn off the discrete graphics card with a command line). I'd probably try it out with a dual boot for now. What is the best (but not too difficult to use) Linux distro out there (that will work with a Macbook Pro)? Ubuntu? Linux Mint? Something else? Pros and cons? In the past, I've like the look/feel of gnome over KDE. In order to do this, I will probably need to boot into Linux for the first time without using the GUI (command line only) since the external graphics card is (for lack of a better word) dead.
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