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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Does anyone know anything about Cathedral Stone Music Publishing? Their webpage seems to indicate that they have matched quads of Mullard XF2 (not cheap though). http://www.cathedralstone.net/Pages/MullardEL34finalm.htm
  2. So the SED Winged C seem reasonably price and they seem to sound good. I was trying to remember why I didn't get a quad before and then I ran across these posts. What is the chance that a set of the Winged C will die AND take out the amp and/or amp+headphones (compared to another obtainium* set of tubes like the reissue Mullards, or other non-NOS tubes)? If I buy from Upscale Audio, might I have a better chance of a good set (I think Marc said they had the older version at least in the past). It seems that all the tubes that available are crap (in terms of quality control)? *At this point a good quad of NOS Mullards seems unobtainable for me.
  3. Happy Birthday Marc! Hope you can enjoy the day with more than just clear liquids (unless its gin).
  4. Seems like Santa will be coming early this year - the BH should ship pretty soon. I don't have any tubes yet. I assume that it will still sound good without the upgraded tubes and that I shouldn't just rush out and buy something just because the amp will be here soon. I have been looking at XF2 and haven't really found anything at a good price from a reputable dealer. Brent Jesse doesn't even have any of his "overpriced" pairs anymore. Does anyone know about this seller? http://www.cathedralstone.net/Pages/NOSVacuumTubes/NOSVacuumTubes.htm I was also thinking of Paul Lindemann to see if he has any matched pairs/quads. I haven't heard people talking about him lately but assume he is still reputable and selling? Any other options? Not sure I want to try getting something from a random person on ebay.
  5. That's too bad about the Peak (or Peak/Volcano), it a very nice amp.
  6. I keep thinking about a Hackintosh... but then I realize I don't want a machine that I have to tinker with to get to work right, I just want something that works.
  7. I saw that bhphoto is still selling 2012 quad core Minis. Then I realized that I would need to upgrade the RAM and HD (to a SSD) and that would be close to $1200 after upgrades (and the SSD install looks like a PITA). Then I decided I might as well get a 21.5 iMac at that price. Then I decided that by the time I got 16gb of RAM and a 256 SSD HD, I would up to around $1600 so I might as well look at the 27" iMac since I would like to have a larger monitor anyway. Then after the upgrades to that I decided that I should just get the new 27" Retina 5K iMac... I stopped before getting to the Mac Pro.
  8. I heard this could be caused by Diet Coke. Serious though, that sucks.
  9. Happy belated birthday Carl!!
  10. Unfortunately, I got rid of the Phantom I bought a few months ago. I have some diatomaceous earth but I am not sure I will use it. We have a lot of living areas.
  11. Sorry Jacob. Good luck Iain. After a pretty good couple of weeks of work, I've had a really shitty couple of days. I found out on Friday that there was going to be this big train strike in Germany starting Saturday morning. We had tickets to take the train from Bonn to Frankfurt on Saturday morning (to catch out flight). So we decided to get a hotel near the airport and to get another train ticket for Friday. OK, that is annoying but not too bad. We get to the hotel (we've stayed there 3 other times) and I thoroughly check the room for bedbugs (like usual). I find nothing suspicious. However, just as we were about to leave, I see a bedbug crawling across the sheet. What the fuck? ? Why me again? Luckily, I can dry clothing and put the luggage/shoes/backpacks in the "Packtite" (bedbug heater/killer) but I cannot do anything about electronic, etc. I am going to be soooo fucking pissed if we get bedbugs in our house again (we just had them 1 year ago).
  12. Heh. They are pretty nice. A hackintosh is sounding better and better.
  13. I've been waiting for these to come out to replace my my MBP that recently died. Now, I'm not sure what I am going to do.
  14. The Mac Mini no longer has a quad core option.
  15. The Roosevelts: An Intimate History Episode 1 1895-1901
  16. Tried some currywurst today. It basically looked like this with more sauce (except on a fancier plate) and tasted just like it looks - a bunch of ketchup with a little curry powder poured over bratwurst. It was awful!
  17. The only problem I have noticed when having too many tabs open in Safari is with the Spotify app (it will cut out when I switch tabs).
  18. shellylh


    Chris, Where did you get yours?
  19. Wish I could watch the Giants v Cards series. At least I'll get to watch the WS.
  20. shellylh


    That would have been useful to read at the beginning of my journey. Update: We are probably going to get a 9" king size latex mattress (x-firm Dunlop, firm Dunlop, and medium Talalay for the top) from www.foamsweetfoam.com (someone mentioned them in this thread and I am too lazy to look it up). Because I have an skin allergy to bandaids (most likely it is just the adhesive) I decided to be careful and get an latex blood allergy test to make sure I don't have a serious allergy to latex. It would suck to find out after having the bed shipped all that way. I'm waiting for the results. Now I just need to decide about the support for the bed. We have a solid wood platform that the mattress could rest on but many places say that a mattress should be able to breathe and so a solid base isn't good. I've thought about converting it to a slat platform by doing something like this. http://www.flobeds.com/products/foundations-legs/slats-for-platform.htm I could also just get a king size frame and this from http://www.sleepez.com/foundations.htm or some cheaper site.
  21. So sorry that I missed that game (stuck on a plane)! Wow, 18 innings.
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