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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I got my Bourns H-90 trimmer adjustment tool today. It has a blade on both ends. I am assuming that these blades are not attached, correct? (I see that in Justin's video, he is touching one of the blades with his hand while the other is inside the amp which seems like it would be quite dangerous if the blade went all the way through the tool.)
  2. Happy Birthday Mikey! Since I can't afford the read stuff... the cake maker seems to have misspelled your name.
  3. Happy Birthday Chris!!!
  4. It seems to be possible to add 16GB (2x8) to the default 8GB (2x4) from Apple making a total of 24GB. I am not sure if this is optimal though. It also is unclear how you should add the memory according to discussions at the apple forum.
  5. 8GB x 2 from OWC is $200 and the upgrade from Apple is $180 so there is not much difference. Of course, if I get the ones from OWC I can have 4 matching sticks in the future. Apple's cost for 16GB of memory (if not bought with the computer) if $400, yikes.
  6. Yeah, I was wondering about mixing different RAM sticks. I've always heard that was a bad idea. I have used OWC mostly in the past. I was not planning to upgrade the GPU to the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4GB GDDR5. Any red flags? The standard is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M 2GB GDDR5 (or 1GB with the slowest i5 processor).
  7. You probably still would have won, my team is full of suckage this year.
  8. I think my team is going to get a record lowest scoring game ever this week. I just remembered to edit my lineup and its too late for most of my players. I'm currently projected to lose 143 to 50. Sorry to take all the fun out of it Nate.
  9. I went to check out the iMacs yesterday and I think I can live with the glare. It wasn't really that bad even in the very bright Apple store (which has two walls of glass). Now the beg decision about which processor to get: i5 3.2Ghz or i7 3.5Ghz? There is about a $400 difference*. I don't think it would be worth it to upgrade to the faster i5 processor. The question is whether hyperthreading would actually be that useful. I don't really don't video editing. The computer would be used for Lightroom, math computations (that are often written by me so would probably not be able to use hyperthreading), latex, web browsing, etc. I know this is HC so i7 but.... *The i7 or faster i5 would also come NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M with 2GB video memory instead of 1GB of video memory. Not sure if this would be useful for driving the large monitor. Also, I may want 16GB of RAM at some point but can change it out later. Is it worth just upgrading now or sticking with 8GB for a while? I am definitely going to get the 256GB SSD. Benchmarks on the different processors from http://browser.primatelabs.com/mac-benchmarks(32 bit single core/multi-core): i7 3500 3506/13091 i5 3400 3400/10669 i5 3200 3251/10176
  10. I'm not sure why everyone says that iTunes is so horrible. I have never had a problem with it. I guess the Windows version must be different.
  11. They are nice sounding speakers but I have had a lot of problems with mine - mostly loose connections (to tweeter/RCA and XLR connections). I don't know if they were refurbs sold as new but I probably wouldn't get another pair. They are a little too noisy for near field listening for me. I had to send back one of the first ones I got because the noise was really bad. Now, the noise is just slightly annoying.
  12. What size trimmer adjustment tool should one get for biasing the amp?
  13. If there is an HC event, I could probably be convinced to make a trip out there.
  14. Yeah, I was more concerned that I was holding the dog/possibly touching the wound and may have touched my face/mouth before washing my hands/washing my clothes. I don't know how quickly rabies dies and/or saliva dries out. Also, our dog may have a wound on the inside of the mouth as well as on the outside since he was having trouble eating. I'm not sure how long the cat's saliva would last in the dog's mouth after the fight.
  15. No Thunderbolt display. Just a 25" Dell and a 20" Apple Cinema Display. With these size monitors, it probably shouldn't make a difference.
  16. Thanks for the link Jacob. I'll make an appointment for Friday and see what they say. My mom, who held the dog too while washing him off said that she wasn't going to go get the shots. I can't force her.
  17. Yes, I mean "a cat." This cat lives near my parents house (in Southern California). I would have gone to my doctors but I am still in California (I plan to go back tomorrow but won't be there until late at night). When you mean that you'd be as worried about rabies as Ebola, I assume that you mean that you wouldn't be too worried (since I am not worried about getting Ebola). Do you think it is ok to wait until Friday? That would be about 48 hours after the fight.
  18. My parents had the painters working today and the dog got out and got into a fight with the cat. I finally caught him and carried him back home (he is a small dog) not even thinking about the chance of the cat having rabies until after cleaning him up. Now I am trying to decide whether I should go to the ER to try and get shots. It's not clear that they would give them to me since I didn't have any bites or scratches (I didn't have any contact with the cat and don't think I put my hands in my mouth/eyes before washing them). I did wear my clothes that touched the dog for a while before washing them. I tried to see if I could find the owner of the cat and it seems that the only person with cats is a crazy cat lady with ~25 cats (some of which might be stray) according to the neighbors. Seems unlikely that the cat lady has all the cats vaccinated. I am guessing it is really unlikely that I have rabies so I am probably going to wait until I'm in Houston and see my doctor on Friday. I think as long as you don't have symptoms, the shots can be effective. I really don't need this. This is my last night here, my mom is upset about my brother, and I don't have time to be dealing with this.
  19. Thanks Ric. Also, he is going to connect two displays. I am thinking that using one thunderbolt port for the 1st moniror and the hdmi port for the 2nd monitor (with the appropriate adapters). This would keep open the other thunderbolt port for a thunderbolt to ethernet adapter. Is there any downside to using the HDMI port over the thunderbolt port? I would play around with it but I don't why to buy a bunch of extra adapters that we don't need.
  20. Tim is getting a new MBP 13". The new ones have a different power adapter (Magsafe 2). He needs an extra one to use in the office. Has anyone use the Magsafe to Magsafe 2 adapters? Do they work well or should he buy an extra power adapter?
  21. I hadn't noticed that skylab had written that.
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