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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Fuck. Almost every time I go to switch the Sound output device, I get the spinning ball of death. I thought it was because I was running Chrome. However, this time I only had Safari open (I was playing a Netflix movie though). Is this a normal thing on Yosemite or is it just my computer. I have been getting the spinning ball of death more often with my new computer than my 3+ year old Air.
  2. Seems like I like to listen to a lot of stuff that is not on Tidal. On Spotify but not Tidal Social Network by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross Beck (Live From KCRW) Listed but Unavailable for Streaming Siamese Dream (Deluxe Edition) - Smashing Pumpkins
  3. Does the fan run all the time? Can you hear the fan in a quiet room without putting your ear up to i? I'll try TG Pro.
  4. The main reason I am concerned is because there are other odds things happening and I am wondering if I have a CPU or GPU that is going to die an early death. The first thing that got me concerned was the set up process. This is supposed to be a super fast computer but there was lag (it didn't immediately progress when clicking next) when setting up the machine (i.e. connecting to the wireless, choosing a username/password, etc.). Also, the graphics got screwed up and I would end up with text missing or two different screens showing up at once during this time. When I log in, it takes longer than I remember on my other computers and I get a progress bar. I have also had a lot of spinning balls of death when trying to change the sound output (with hardly any programs running). I think I have been running Chrome which doesn't seem to like Yosemite. I guess some of these things could be due to Yosemite since I haven't tried it on any of my other computers. Certainly the iMac is much quieter than my old Mac Pro from 2009. However, I cannot hear anything from my Air when I am just doing simple things like web browsing, etc. Some people on mac forums have said that their imac is perfectly quiet most of the time and they also seem to indicated that the fans only kick on sometimes. Perhaps I am just more sensitive to noises than they are.
  5. For those who have an 27" imac. How quiet is yours? Whenever the computer is running, I can hear the fan running (it is a very quiet whooshing normal fan sound but I can still hear it when the room is quiet). My Air is certainly much quieter unless I push it a little.
  6. Fuckity fuck. Tidal hifi streaming doesn't work on my new computer (OS X 10.10). I have to change it to "high" to get sound.
  7. It seems that the Tidal desktop application won't play in HIFI mode when it is installed on Snow Leopard. If I change to "High" quality output, it works great. Unfortunately, this is the computer that is hooked up to the big rig. I could upgrade to Mountain Lion but there are some programs that I have on that computer that only run on SL.
  8. They must like you better because you are British. This is what I get.
  9. I wonder if this is because they limit the number of search results to 20? Edit: Probably not since I just searched for Paper Airplane in the web browser player and I still don't get a hit (it lists 32 other albums).
  10. I did that. I get no such hits (with Alison Krauss as artist). I get a bunch of other Paper Airplane hits.
  11. Thanks Justin. I was measuring between a + and ground.
  12. Ok, I didn't see that. Spotify seems to have a lot more AK and AKUS than Tidal. Also, seems like Tidal could work on their organization.
  13. Question about biasing: When I first put the tubes in the BHSE, I tested the DC offset using a multimeter. Tubes of the tubes measured 0V and two measured +-3V. I stupidly switched the ones that were +-3V (one of the left and one on the right). Then the next time I used the amp, one of the tubes I had switched was now measuring +-8V. I then had a trimmer adjuster tool so I biased all the tubes to 0V (the amp was one for about 2 hours at this point). The next time I turn on the amp, after around 10 minutes, I measured the DC offset and the 2 left back tubes were at 0V and the 2 right front tubes were around +-28V. After a couple of hours, they were close to 0V (I think around +-3V). Does it matter if the tubes measure close to 0V when first turned on? I think in the instructions, Justin says to bias it after 5 minutes and then again after 2 hours. Since these are fairly new tubes (stock tubes), I have read that they will drift a lot. How often should I bias the amp or check the DC offset?
  14. I was referring to the Desktop application (which is what I was trying to use on my Mac Mini). Perhaps the desktop app doesn't work well with Snow Leopard which is what I still have on the Mac Mini (I only use it for streaming music). I cannot find any requirements for the desktop app. I was using the Chrome web browser. Everything works fine on my Air which is what I am using as my main computer. I already have a PC Brent (Surface Pro 3), I just only use it as a pen tablet because.... Windows. I am using the iOS app on my ipad right now. It has stopped playing music a couple of time but most of the time it works fine. I do like that it doesn't drain my battery like the Spotify app does. Also, I wanted to stream Alison Krauss and Union Station's Paper Airplane this morning but it turns out that they don't have it on Tidal. Also, searching for Alison Krauss brings up her solo stuff but not Alison Krauss and Union Station which is annoying.
  15. I tried using Tidal on my Mac Mini (which I control via Screen Share). The browser app is way too slow to load. I installed the app and it won't play any songs, once I press play I just get a spinning circle next to HIFI. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
  16. Started the 7 day trial today. Has anyone paid for a month subscription yet? I am wondering if there will be a foreign transaction fee every month. My credit card has flagged the $2.00 charge (to test the credit card I assume) as an International Charge. The web browser is pretty nice. I am not sure I want to pay $19.95/mo over spotify's $9.99/mo since most of the time I use spotify when I want "background" music. Heck, I didn't even want to switch from Mog's 4.99/mo. Perhaps if there was a good Logitech 3rd party app, it would be worth it. The "related artist" feature doesn't seem to be as good as on Spotify. Does anyone know how much data this will use up per hour (streaming flac)?
  17. Dan said what I was trying to say.
  18. Google doesn't always work though.
  19. I have been having problems with the search feature recently. For example, I search for Neko and only get 4 hits (all for Neko Case). However, there should be hits for Neko DAC. I can't remember when this started happening.
  20. Good idea - I don't need the clip. I just realize that I could have used a multimeter to test for connectivity.
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