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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. What is wrong with me? Oh yeah, I have never had any Four Roses...
  2. That doesn't really help the neck issue. Also, I prefer to buy straight from Apple. I do have to pay tax but get the education discount. Plus, I can pick it up in store and take it back to the store if there is something wrong. That is worth it to me.
  3. I went back to the Apple store today to try out the 27" vs 21.5". The screen on the 27" is gorgeous. However, doing some testing at home, I just think it is going to be way too tall for me and is going to cause (further) neck pain. The height of the 21.5" is perfect for my ergonomic setup. I am just too damn short. So I am going to go with the 21.5". Why doesn't fucking Apple carry a 24" or a quad core i7? Damn them. I think the 21.5" is will be completely fine for me as I usually just have one program on the screen at a time (and I've been fine with a 20" for some time). I am sad that I won't have the opportunity to upgrade the RAM to 32GB but I don't think that is going to be a big problem. Perhaps I go for minimalism in 2015. Or better yet, maybe I should use the $500 I save to get an SVS sub. Edit: Dammit, I just realized that Apple was offering a $100 gift card with Mac purchase yesterday. Maybe they will do this again on Monday?
  4. Tim said he'll be right over. (He's a fan of lasagna.). I'll be starting the braised short ribs soon. Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. Mail used to have an option (with an IMAP account) "don't keep copies of any messages" under the account/advanced tab. It keeps everything on the server and it would not delete anything from the server unless you trashed the file. This option disappeared in Mavericks. I am assuming that some other programs may have it. I used this option for years before switching completely to gmail/web interface. It seems that a lot people really like Sparrow. Unfortunately, it is no longer being updated ever since it was bought by google. Are you using it with Yosemite or an older operating system?
  6. It seems this problem started on Mavericks and not Yosemite. There doesn't seem to be a way around it as far as I can tell. If you want to use Apple Mail, you have to have all your messages downloaded. So I am looking for alternative mail programs for Tim (I just have all mail forwarded to Gmail and use the web interface but Tim doesn't want to forward his work emails). Inky seems ok but I don't like that you have to make an account with them and give them your login/password.
  7. John: I would pretty much always hire someone to fix our repairs (I just don't know who to hire sometimes though). It's Tim who think we should try to fix things ourselves (he also insists on doing the lawn/gardening because it is "exercise.") Sigh.
  8. Spend 4.5 hours (with Tim) trying to replace the guide track for the sliding glass door. Pretty much ended up a complete fail since the rail that it goes over was too messed up. At least we could put the door back on and lock it. Opening and closing without much work, not so much. Thanks to the big storm yesterday, we also realized that we have a leak somewhere in our house so we get to deal with that next week. Did I ever mention how much I hate owning a house...
  9. Does anyone use Apple Mail? Do you know how to tell Apple Mail (Yosemite) not to download messages on the local machine (IMAP account)? I have done a bunch of searching and can't figure this out. If this is not possible, are there any other suggested mail programs?
  10. I'm setting up Tim's new MBP and just ran across the new "feature" in Spotlight search in Yosemite. I've certainly searched for account numbers or various other secure data using spotlight in the past. I've turned off this "feature" but I am not a fan of where Apple is going with this. Also why the fuck are they sending stuff to MS/Bing? http://www.cultofmac.com/300301/keep-os-x-yosemite-sending-spotlight-data-apple/
  11. I returned the 27" iMac today. I am thinking of getting the 21.5" quad core i7 iMac instead. The specs are pretty similar and I don't really need 32GB of RAM. The 27" just felt too big to me. I really wish they made a 24" iMac - that would be perfect.
  12. Canceled my subscription to Tidal. If they get it working correctly on Snow Leopard and Yosemite and improve their search on ios, I may join again.
  13. I am thinking of returning the iMac (within the 14 day window) and just ordering a new one (or something else) later. I listened to a couple of the slim iMacs at work and they seemed dead quiet unless I put my ear up to the fan (although I think it is a little noisier there). I don't think there is a problem with mine but it may drive me crazy. That and the OS problems I am experience makes me think that it is the easiest thing to do. I am not really in a rush since I have the Air. If I take it to the Apple store and they decide it's too noisy, wouldn't they just swap it out for a refurbished one?
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