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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Damn, I guess my full body tattoo isn't going to work out after all.
  2. Hmm, I may end up getting one after all.
  3. Burning down the house right now doesn't sound so bad.
  4. Yeah, I guess my bad luck has not ended.
  5. Fuck!. I get home from my nice trip today, walk around the house top make sure everything is ok and hear buzzing. I look around and see as bunch of wasps or bees swarming around a holes in the side of my house (into part of the attic that cannot be accessed. I am assuming they won't come into the house tonight and have called some pest companies. Hopefully I can get one out tomorrow. Fuck, I hate owning as house.
  6. Happy Birthday my friend!!!
  7. We have the poison in tamper proof bait boxes. Is this still dangerous for non-target species? How? I guess a baby possum could probably get in the bait box but there is no way a large cat or possum is getting in there. I do have one if those Victor Electronic Rat Traps. I suppose I might be able to handle one of those. Is it a bad idea to set traps before going out of town? I assume that dead rodents will probably attract other rodents (which is why I guess you said to check twice a day). Also, will the bait in the traps in the attic attract rats into the attic?
  8. Thanks Jim. The only problem is that I cannot deal with doing this myself. I don't deal well with rats. Also, just thinking about this makes me very anxious (and keeps me from thinking about things that I should be thinking about). There is no way that I can live my life check for dead rats everyday and thinking about them all the time. Yeah, it's my girlie side. I can't even deal with thinking about having 1-2 rats per year. This was something that Tim definitely did and I wanted no part of. Also, this is the company I called (the one I linked just had a referral to this company). They did have a lot of information on their site though. https://mastersservices.com/animal-in-the-attic/ We don't have a basement, we have a crawlspace and there is NO WAY I am getting in the crawl space. The company was going to have to take off boards of the deck to close up holes under the house. There is no way I can do that. I have tried to close up any holes that I can get to but most are difficult to get to. Also, the peppermint oil seems to be a myth, I looked that up at some point because I thought I could just put peppermint oil in the attic (which I suppose would have to be changed frequently). I hate owning a house "on my own." I just don't really know what to do. I would probably get it done if I knew that I was going to stay in the house but it seems like a lot of money to spend if I have to move out in 6 months. I do have poison in the backyard which hopefully keeps the population down out there. My pest guy put poison in the attic. I am wondering if that is such a good idea though now. I certainly wouldn't want to have a dead rat in the wall or some place in the attic that I couldn't get to (in the insulation).
  9. Yes, this is why it is expensive. The company say that they would close up every hole larger than 3/4" (they don't do mice). The people before us closed up a lot of holes in the attic. Most of the work is blocking off the bottom of the house. What would you suggest? I certainly cannot do any of this myself and don't want more rats in the attic/house. There is a cat that likes to hunt in our backyard. I am certainly not go to get a cat of my own. We also have possums in the backyard which I think might eat rats. The company that I called was recommended on this site. I felt like the person that came out knew what he was talking about and they do have a warranty... http://www.wildlife-removal.com/rat.html
  10. Yes, we had some in our attic January 2013 (and at least one in our atrium at that time). There are rat droppings right now in the attic that the company I called out says look like new. There aren't that many though. I haven't tried catching any in the attic recently. We certainly have them in the backyard.
  11. Got an estimate to rat proof the house. Not cheap.
  12. CJ, I'm surprised that you were getting that kind of speed for $20 per month. That seems incredibly cheap.
  13. I thought Comcast didn't have caps anymore.
  14. I just rewatched The Work Outing, it is brilliant!
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