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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Turns out it was an out of state plate with the same license plate #.
  2. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    I am about to hit the order button on these. Any reason not to? [i am not sure I need a pair of closed headphones since I live by myself now but it can't hurt. Perhaps it would be useful to have in the office when the students are loud outside my office door. ] I would be very interested to know how it compares to the HD600 (and whether it is more neutral than the HD600).
  3. I probably should just pay it but I am annoyed. Actually, the bill is sent to Tim. It would cost a lot more to send it to my lawyer so that he could send it to the other lawyer though.
  4. No, I am waiting to speak to an agent. I think I can request a picture of the plate.
  5. Speaking of Austin, I got a bill from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (i.e. Austin toll billing agency) for driving on a toll road in Austin in March. I certainly do not remember driving to Austin so either someone is stealing and taking my "fancy" 2004 Honda Accord for a joyride Austin or I have been sleepdriving (and sleep filling up the gas tank). Weird. I hope I don't find any scorpions in the backseat.
  6. In your house??? I am never moving to Austin.
  7. I love your outlook on life Mike.
  8. Just finished changing the filters and sanitizing my 5 stage water filtration system. What a pain (I guess I only had to do half the work before). I think I'll just get water delivered when I move to a new place.
  9. I made it home and made an avocado and cheese sandwich. All is good now.
  10. I am stuck in my office, starving, waiting for the massive thunderstorm to end. We really don't need anymore rain; we've already had around 12 inches over the past month and we're probably going to get another few inches this afternoon.
  11. shellylh


    I was going to recommend using the earbud/mic combo that comes with the iPhone, that is was I use when walking around. The biggest problem with any mic is probably going to be wind (if you are going to continue to bike while answering the call). I don't know if there is a good way to avoid that.
  12. Scratched disks (and constantly getting movies I wasn't in the mood to watch becuase I put them in my queue ages ago) was one of the reasons I got rid of the Netflisk disk subscription. Sometimes they were so badly scratched I could even get them to go past a certain section. Seriously, what do people do with these disks?
  13. Do you guys actually watch stuff from a disk? I don't think I've watched anything that wasn't streamed in over a year.
  14. This must be the case. I have been carded 3 times since my birthday.
  15. I need to finish rewatching the series. Don't watch the American pilot they made at some point. It is really awful.
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