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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I'm safe here. I just may have to sleep in the office since I don't know when the flash flooding will end. My great idea of getting work done hasn't worked out so well because I keep checking on the weather (and Netflix). It sure would be nice to have Tim here at times like these.
  2. According to Centerpoint Energy outage tracker, we don't have any electricity at my house right now. It's a good thing I went to the office. Hope all the food I just bought doesn't go bad.
  3. Shit, that is scary. The weather in Texas and the other states in the great plains has been crazy recently. Glad you are ok. I actually decided to come to the office to work tonight because of the tornado watch (since we basically don't have a good place in the house if a tornado were to hit nearby).
  4. Cheers to those who has given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/26/business/dealbook/charter-time-warner-cable-deal.html?_r=0
  6. I'm so jealous! I was awakened by severe thunderstorms (with a tornado warning) this morning at 6:30am and couldn't go back to sleep (after going to sleep around 2am). I don't like tornado warnings because I don't have any rooms on the bottom floor without a window.
  7. So sorry Nate. It really sucks when everything decides to break at once. We had a dripping noise in our wall once. It turned out that the water heater was dripping because the pressure release valve was bad. The reason it was dripping into the wall was because whoever installed the hot water heater (which is in the attic) put a ~2" long drain pipe into the wall (so that it looked like it went all the way down the wall but it didn't).
  8. The saddest part about it was that he was killed in a car accident in a taxi from the airport. He was coming back from Norway where he had just received the Abel prize (one of the two most prestigious prizes in mathematics). I guess he at least got to have that experience. https://www.maa.org/external_archive/devlin/devlin_04_04.html
  9. shellylh


    Jeffy, Tim and I really liked the feel of the Tempurpedic Rhapsody (I didn't like the one with cooling because it felt too cold to me) but in the end we decided to get a latex bed for the following reasons. (1) I bought a pillow from Tempurpedic and couldn't use it (because of the smell) for 2 months. Tim was able to use it after a couple of weeks but I am more sensitive to smells. The first couple of weeks, I had to keep it in the guest room because it made the room so smelly. I can't imagine what would happen with an entire bed. (2) People have complained that the Tempurpedic mattresses are as well made as they used to be. (3) They don't completely divulge what the mattress is made from and what the weights of the foam are. (3) They were more expensive than their competition (even some of the quality latex mattresses). (4) Complaints of mold on some of them (although this may be because of user error). If it is not too far to drive, I would check out Foam Sweet Foam which is where I plan to get my next mattress if my life ever settles down. http://www.foamsweetfoam.com/latex
  10. Glad you were able to get it working again for the short term. I hate when you can't get people you want to hire to do something to call you back (I've been trying to get someone to fix the flashing on some pipes on the roof for weeks. I guess it doesn't help that we keep having heavy thunderstorms.
  11. I used to do that but they annoyed me. I guess I probably should start doing that again.
  12. Unfortunately, I already use google calendar and Zoe was on there. I just forget to look at it sometimes, especially on the weekends and in the summer months. Also, google calendar isn't going to help me book flights correctly.
  13. Very cool Chris. Sorry Nate, that really sucks - 5 years isn't very long. What I didn't do today: fly to my parents' house like I was supposed to. I accidentally bought two one way tickets from Houston to Ontario, Ca, one for today and one for Tuesday (no return flight). Since I was using my parents' Southwest miles, I decided to cancel the trip and go some other time (since getting a new flight back on Tuesday would more costly at this point). Luckily I was flying SW and not United. The good news is that I get to avoid Knott's Berry Farm on Memorial Day which would have been a mad house. I can also use the time to catch up more on work. The bad news is that I feel like I am going crazy. I keep forgetting about shit and screwing things up (ever since Tim passed away). I would never have done something so stupid in the past. I also forgot about the Zoe Keating concert I had ticket s to last weekend.
  14. Happy Birthday Brent!!!
  15. Coconut cream pie is good. Not getting the job is maybe not so good (depending on the job).
  16. I am excited but sad at the same time. Tim really loved True Detective and was looking forward to the next one. I'm going to try and watch it but it may still be too difficult at this point. Tim loved detective shows/movies (Poirot was his all time favorite) and so I have been mostly avoiding them.
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