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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I've been binge watching the L Word (never watched it before). Just finished the final episode.
  2. Good luck with your surgery Marc. Let us know that you are ok as soon as you can.
  3. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    I thought you only measured headphones anyway.
  4. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    Have you bought any other headphones this year?
  5. Can you actually go 60mph anywhere in DC?
  6. and I don't like seafood so I probably would be pretty unhappy.
  7. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    Got the Oppo finally (they were supposed to be here yesterday, damn Fedex or weather). I like the packaging, very Apple-like. They feel very solid and are very comfortable on my head (although I have a smaller than average guy size head and my ears are pretty tiny). They are really light compared to the last two pairs of orthos I owned (LCD-2 and Thunderpants). Also, so far, they don't suck like most closed headphones (listening with Tidal + ECP DAC + DSHA-1).
  8. Oh, yeah the climate hasn't changed too much (assuming you are talking about weather). I like the warmth and humidity so it is good for me. The political climate has probably changed though. The pollution isn't too fun but it is hard to get away from pollution being in a big city. What I don't like: (1) mosquitos, (2) giant cockroaches, (3) you can't buy liquor on Sundays (except in restaurants), (4) public transportation is getting better but still isn't great.
  9. I actually enjoy living in Houston (at least in the area of town where I live and hang out*). I bet you it is a LOT different here than when you were here. Things have changed quite a lot even since I was a graduate student 1997-2002. *There are probably a lot of really crappy areas though.
  10. I guess if you start adding packages or looking at the higher end models, they can certainly get well above 40K. There are Q50's on the lot for ~38K, a 320i for ~35K, and an Audi A4 for ~$35K. I wasn't aware that Nissan was as bad as the German manufacturers when it came to reliability. I thought the Q37 was known to be reliable (maybe I am mistaken though). I suppose I should at least try out the WRX but I think it really ugly (at least in pictures). I'm also still trying to decide if a lease is a good idea for me since I drive so little.
  11. Myabe I should try to get a job at Georgia Tech so I can fly Delta instead of United.
  12. Jeff, have you though about an Infinity Q5? I've been following this thread as I am looking to buy or lease a new car (as my Honda Accord is about 11 years old-fashioned although it only has 50K miles on it). I was thinking of an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series of some sort. Really, I want a car that is nicer than the Honda Accord I've been driving but don't want to spend over 40k. I could live with getting a Honda Accord 6cyl again but that is really boring. The Infinity should have less maintenance than the Audi and BMW and is larger (more used to what I have). Don't think I should go with as BMW 5 series since I probably don't drive enough to spend that kind of money.
  13. I hadn't really thought about one. I have never lost work due to the computer suddenly shutting down because of a power outage but maybe I have been lucky. Will your computer run better in the long term if you always shut down safely? Can you use this with a surge protector. I have a Zero Surge right now which I think is better than the surge in the APC. I have been less than thrilled with some of my plastic APC surge protectors in the past especially because half the time I plug something in, it doesn't get power (poor connections). Maybe this one is better.
  14. Ok, so it might do a reboot instead of just turning off if there was a surge or very brief power interruption (although I do have a good surge protector). I assume that if it is a long enough outage then it would just turn off.
  15. I think the problem is that we have already had a LOT of rain over the last month or two so the ground was already completely saturated and the bayous were pretty full. (It wasn't as bad as Tropical Storm Allison which dumped 38.6" of rain in Houston over 6 days.) I am so sick of rain.
  16. What does a "panic" mean? Would there be something in the system.log file when this happens?
  17. I also found the following in the system.log files. Does anyone know what the code 5 means? May 26 01:00:00 Shellys-iMac kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5 May 26 02:48:47 Shellys-iMac kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
  18. I was trying to figure out if my power was out last night during the storm so I can figure out whether to throw away perishable foods. I think my computer (imac) was on when I came home this morning (although I was tired so I certainly could have turned it on without thinking). I don't have the "startup automatically after a power failure" checked in energy saver nor do I have a UPS. If I type "last" in terminal, it has a reboot at 4:37am this morning (I was not here at that time). Also, the system log says 4:37:43 AM locationd: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown So that seems to indicated that computer shut down and restarted on its own. I did a test. I unplugged my imac for about a minute. It didn't start up on its own. When I did start it up (after I turned it on), it said the same thing as above. Could it be that there was a very brief power disruption/flicker that caused it to reboot on its own?
  19. Back home. Everything looks ok. I'll probably throw away some perishable items since my guess is that the power was out for most of the night. Next time I'm riding out the tornado watch/storm at home (I still probably wouldn't have slept much here either). Hopefully there is no next time. It was like a mini hurricane but without warning.
  20. The rain just won't stop - place are getting between 6" - 11". We are still under a flash flooding warning for another 2 hours. Sleeping on an exercise mat is not going so well. I hope my car and house aren't flooded. Now I wish I would have stayed home (although it is possible we still don't have power).
  21. Everything looks wonderful Al!
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