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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Well, I don't have a (good) job there so that is what's not to like.
  2. In fact, I have the opposite problem that I want something smaller and it is difficult to find anything less than 2500 square feet. I did find a few hirise condos that ticked all the boxes, were gorgeous, and were under 2000 square feet. Unfortunately, they are all over 1 million (and have huge maintenance fees per month) so that probably won't work out.
  3. Foster the People - Torches Poppy but I like it.
  4. I agree that I probably won't ever get the place I absolutely want without building it myself (even then I won't be able to think of everything). I think actually going and looking at places will help. I was hoping to get something around 1800 square feet but I may just have to live with something bigger than that.
  5. Thanks Bonnie. I will definitely pay attention to all the miserable condo rules. I am wary of everything and tend to read all the small print so hopefully I should be ok. Townhomes are sounding better everyday. I guess I could always stay where I am - I do like the house. I would just have to put a ton of money into the house at some point and pay a lot of property taxes every year (and deal with having a yard and basically no garage...). I also have to decide if this is the best place for me to stay in order for me to move on with my life.
  6. So sorry for your loss Al. RIP Quest.
  7. No problem Al. I will probably start looking at condos with a realtor just to see what is out there but I am not in a rush. If I find something, my house will sell very quickly (lot value). There are a couple of other options that I like besides the Durst condos. This one seemed really great until I realized that it only had stackable washer/dryer and it was on the third floor. It is also only 2 bedrooms and 3 would be slightly better. I'll probably still look at it though. http://www.har.com/1004-california--102/sale_79051534 I also like this one but these condos in this building have been on the market since January so I am not sure what is wrong with them. Also, it has an electric stove. http://www.har.com/2120-kipling--404/sale_16115270 I should stop flooding this thread with my random moving thoughts.
  8. They aren't selling for lower prices though. Maybe they will go down in price eventually. I am not afraid that he is going to murder me but he is very creepy. I am worried about resale value (if I were to buy now and decided I didn't like it there because of my neighbors, etc.). I would also be worried about HOA fees going up if others in the building aren't paying theirs. For example, is Durst paying his HOA fees (he is in jail on murder charges)? That is the one thing that is bad about that building: the HOA fees are currently around $900 a month for the place I like. Do these things tend to go up a lot over time? Also, you own very little land when you buy in a highrise. I am not so sure that is so great for an investment.
  9. I've thought about that but then you are taking a gamble as to whether the landlord will fix things. It is probably really expensive to rent a condo that I would be willing to live in. I haven't looked much. There is a building (high rise/condos) down the street from me with some very nice condos available to buy. It is pretty much the perfect location, perfect size (around 1800 square feet, 2 bedrooms), perfect price, and the condos have a great layout (very open, lots of windows). It is from around 2000 so it isn't too old. However, I asked the real estate agent why they are taking so long to sell. It is because the seriously rich and pretty much insane (he was recently arrested for peeing on the candy at the CVS nearby) serial killer owns three condos at that place. So if he dies or sells those condos, I would buy one immediately (not one of the ones that he owned - who knows what kind of bodily fluids are embedded in the walls/floors). However, it seems like a bad idea to buy one right now.
  10. Went to go look at an apartment to know what kind of options I have. This one is a new midrise (8 floors) and it is built better than some others around here (steel and concrete with 6" of concrete between each floor instead of the wood frame buildings) and it is in a good location. I would have to downsize a lot (~1250 square feet) from my current house. I like the layout of the apartment but don't like the lack kitchen storage. The appliances are all standard nothing fancy GE appliances but the refrigerator seems pretty good and it has a gas stove (which is a necessity for me). Also, the wood floors looked like real wood unlike some other places. The cabinets did seem like they were from Ikea though. I guess, even though my house is old and falling apart, I have gotten used to having real wood cabinets, being able to pick out my own appliances, having lots of room, etc. Also, I noticed that the dishwasher didn't have an air gap and (I couldn't see behind the dishwasher) I didn't see a high loop for the drain (shouldn't that be required). In addition, the hoses were made out of plastic. Perhaps I need to start looking at condos. I was hoping to live in a nice apartment so that I wouldn't have to deal with fixing things.
  11. I don't see any mention of lossless.
  12. I definitely don't need as much speed as the stock would have. I really need to get out and test drive one some time. I've just been too busy. If I don't get the A4 Quattro or BMW 328i, I'll probably just end up with another ever so boring but reliable Honda Accord v6.
  13. I'm with Nate. The S4 looks so much better than the Golf R. I keep looking at the A4 (since I can't afford/justify the S4).
  14. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    $400 If I needed a pair of closed headphones, I would keep them. I thought about keeping them anyway but I have too much junk in the office already and know that I am just going to continue to use the HD600 95% of the time.
  15. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    I am thinking of sending mine back. While they sound pretty good, I just like the HD600 so much better (which is what I currently use in the office). Basically, unless they are turned up the PM3 sound a little too distant for me. Also, they still sound like closed headphones. They do seem to have a little more bass boost at times than I would like. Since I don't really need closed headphones in my office (and I certainly don't need yet another pair of headphones), I think I am going to return them. Also, my left ear started to hurt a little after wearing them for a while.
  16. Thanks for the very vivid description of that color Nate.
  17. shellylh

    Oppo PM3

    Only if it is made of unicorn hair.
  18. That is a sexy car. I love the blue.
  19. Canistream.it is innacurate this time. It doesn't list Netflix as a way to stream the IT Crowd. Al, I've been watching it on Netflix. If you haven't ever seen it, I would highly recommend that you watch it for your own well being. The first couple of episodes may be a little slow though. Doesn't hulu have commercials? If so, why would you watch it on hulu over Netflix? I am assuming that everyone on the face of the earth that has access to the internet has Netflix of course.
  20. Glad to hear you are alive Marc!!! Sorry about the in pain part. Hope you recover quickly.
  21. The Work Outing is fantastic.
  22. Back to rewatching the IT Crowd. Just watched Calendar Geeks. That was a good one.
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