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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I have found a few of those around the house lately (and also some live millipedes). It's probably because of all the rain we've had this year. You really sprayed after finding one earwig? Except for bed bugs, it takes quite a few before I take action. Also, rats and mice, if I found one, I would not be happy.
  2. Just finished Season 3 of OITNB. I liked the previous 2 seasons better but it was still good.
  3. While I do like visiting Caltech Greg, I was an undergrad at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
  4. Oh, I thought they were but maybe Netflix changed the way they do things since the last time I looked. This implies that you can use Netflix with them. You could always use the free trial or shoot them an email. https://support.unlocator.com/customer/portal/articles/1147679-how-to-setup-ipad
  5. Ric: I have heard that you are supposed to release geckos. They are cute but frogs are cute too. Oposums also each roaches (as well as rats and mice) - they can be cute.
  6. Two scoops of potatoes, you must be in Ireland.
  7. Can I just get gummy roaches instead? You do know that roaches will eat the corpse of a dead roach so they might decide to help me.
  8. Ooh, yuck! Frankly, we have so many cockroaches under our house/in the walls/outside the house that they have probably in my bed many times (and on every other surface in the house). I just wish I hadn't seen one there.
  9. Happy Father's Day to all the HC dads!
  10. I'll make sure to keep the toothpaste out of my bed then.
  11. Fly swatters and shoes also work if you see them. I just don't want them crawling on me when I sleep (or anytime) or crawling through my food.
  12. Last night I went to go to bed and found a cockroach (one of the big kind that we have here) crawling on my pillow! Needless to say, I slept in the guest room and will be washing sheets/blankets today. I need to get our guy to come out and spray asap. I need to get a new pest exterminator because our guys sucks. Yuck. This has never happened before. Usually, we don't have any in the bedroom. They are usually in the kitchen and usually dead. This year has been really bad and we've had lots of live ones. It's like they know Tim is gone. Anytime something like this happens, I want to immediately sell this old house (where it is impossible to keep out the roaches) and get something newer.
  13. So I guess you're not in the hospital anymore.
  14. You must have been really busy 7 years ago with triplets (not that twins or even 1 baby is all that easy).
  15. Why do you need so many washers and dryers?
  16. Sorry about the drainage issues, that's shitty. Cursing is definitely called for!
  17. Notice that the trackpad on Tim's computer from 2010 wasn't working and figured out it was because of a swollen battery. I couldn't get a genius appointment until Monday so I went in and got someone to help me in 15 minutes. They took out the bad battery and recycled it for no charge. Luckily, it had no leaked (although I don't know how common it is for these batteries to leak or explode). WTF is up with Apple's batteries? This is the third one I've had (albeit over 10 years) that has swelled. At least you can get it fixed in the same day.
  18. shellylh


    Tim was going to get me an SVS SB-2000 for Christmas. I've thought about buying one for myself but it might make me sad.
  19. Just started watching Better Call Saul. I like it.
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