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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Just finished Better Call Saul season 1. I liked it.
  2. I'm glad it wasn't unconventionally toasted pound cake.
  3. Sounds exactly what happens when I do house projects.
  4. Wow, so glad you got seen before it was too late!
  5. I don't know if this will help but did you do a hard reset of your router?
  6. If I moved back to California, I would certainly not miss the giant cockroaches and mosquitoes!
  7. Very funny Steve, I am just a sucker. I'd almost rather just pay him not to come and then I wouldn't have to deal with him and wouldn't feel bad about taking money out of his pocket. The label for Demon Max says 2005 on it so I assume it is about 10 years old. It is used by many pest control companies. I wonder how many people on my block have this stuff sprayed 4 times a year. The active ingredient is cypermethrin which has been around longer than that. Jacob is probably right, they aren't resistant, I am just probably having a lot more roaches than normal this year because Tim isn't here to scare them off (and we've had a ton of rain).
  8. The guy who sprays my house is an idiot (really, he knows nothing) so I can't/won't ask him. His dad used to own/run the company and the dad was very knowledgeable. He has since retired and his son took over. Tim has used the company for the last 20+ years. They only reason I still use them is because I am lazy. After finding the roach in my bed this weekend, I planned to call a different/better company this Monday but the idiot son called me on Sunday to come and spray. It's like he knew. Edit: I should say that he has only been spraying our house for 9 years (before that Tim had him spray his former house).
  9. We've been having the same guy spray 4 times a year for 9 years. He's probably been using the same stuff the entire time. They can't become somewhat resistant in that time?
  10. Demon Max was used which I thought worked pretty quickly. Perhaps the roach had just come directly out of the wall and had not reached the area with the poison. I did realize that the electrician had done a poor job putting the wall plate back on the wall when he was here a few weeks ago. There was certainly enough room for cockroaches to come through that area. I've fixed that so hopefully it will help. Isn't dust only supposed to be sprayed in cracks and crevices or under carpet. We did have Alpine dust put under the carpet and in light fixtures when we had the bed bugs. That stuff is no longer working I'm sure. I have this slight fear that the roaches have become resistant to the Demon Max.... That wouldn't be fun.
  11. Crap. I just went in my bedroom to go to bed. There was a giant cockroach on the ceiling. I tried to get it with the flyswatter and it just flew onto my neck/back. I was crawling around looking for it and felt something crawling on me. I couldn't get it off. Fuck. I guess they aren't all dead yet. They one was very alive and healthy.
  12. I wonder how well the Alpine Gel bait work on cockroaches.
  13. I guess yes, I meant for mammals, large mammals.
  14. Which is safer? I'm guessing Alpine?
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