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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. You should buy it and tells us. I'd be interested in replacing my already pretty convenient Pico Dac + Marantz receiver with something like that.
  2. shellylh


    We have a store that carries those 1.5 miles away. I should go try them.
  3. I never noticed that before Nate but indeed that is true on my phone as well.
  4. That sounds super exciting Greg.
  5. shellylh


    Tim would've loved this. Don't know if I'll be ready to watch it. Just seeing the preview makes me tear up and miss Tim.
  6. That's awesome (sorry about the health problems though).
  7. Happy belated birthday Birgir!!!
  8. Finished Inside Amy Schumer season 3.
  9. There's no way I want to live to be 116, I better cut back on the bacon.
  10. Come visit me Steve! I will take you to a good bakery (although I don't think they have scones which is fine with me since I am not a fan of scones).
  11. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! Tim would be ecstatic if he were here. I can imagine him jumping up and down screaming.
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