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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Look what I found at home. One of them is the disks that I bought to upgrade to Windows 7, the other is an OEM I bought at Amazon. Will my dad* be able to use either too do a clean install? Which would be better to try? Only the " upgrade" includes a 64bit version. If feel more comfortable sending these rather than something that was downloaded from a torrent site (even if legal). *Or someone who knew what they were doing?
  2. Has anyone tried Kaspersky or know of a reason why I shouldn't but this for my dad (I could also use it on my Microsoft Surface Pro 3 since you can use it on 3 computers)? I'm wondering how resource heavy it really is. It seems to be great in every other way*. *Except that some people claim that the program is used to mine data for the Russians based on Kaspersky's connection with the KGB in the past. I'm guessing that this is not the case. It does give me second thoughts though.
  3. Bitdefender free or paid? I seen some places where the free doesn't catch add much. I don't understand why though?
  4. I was looking into eset as it seemed to be popular and doesn't bog down the system. However, I noticed that it got very poor performance tests on avtest. This seems surprising to me. https://www.av-test.org/en/antivirus/home-windows/manufacturer/eset/
  5. Do you think it would be smart for him to get a brand new operating system? He doesn't do well with things not working (or big changes which probably would be the case with Windows .
  6. Thanks, that might be useful. I'm not sure my dad could download and my it on a disk to install but it may be useful to know if I can't come up with something else. Seems like ESET is faster but Kaspersky is a little better performance wise. Since my dad's computer is old, I guess he probably shouldn't use Kaspersky...
  7. I'm wondering if I should buy Kaspersky for him. It seems to always have good reviews. Perhaps I should buy him a copy of Windows 8.1 and have the disk sent to his house. I don't know if he'd have the patience to start from scratch. Does anyone know about the free Kaspersky Virus removal tool?
  8. I would have done a clean install (once I saw the malicious code popup) but didn't have a copy of Windows 7 to do it with. I'm leaving this morning so I have to be able to tell him what to do unfortunately.
  9. My dad is using AVG and it seems that he may need a better Antivirus program. (As mentioned in my thread of "Windows 7 problems" he has some malicious code that AVG or F-secure tells him about but doesn't remove and I'm concerned about it.) Mister X mentioned Bitdefender. Does anyone know about this? It does seem to have better ratings than AVG.
  10. Has anyone else used Bitdefender. I haven't heard much about them.
  11. I wasn't able to follow the directions (http://windows.micro...e#1TC=windows-7) since the files did not copy over. I basically followed this and got some progress. I ran AVG Free Antivirus after this and when I did a popup came up (from F-Secure) saying there was malicious code found in file: c:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Avg2015\temp\avg-74fae816-07d4-4657-9215-dell23653425.tmp (said the Infection was Gen: Varian.Symmi.45380). Evidentally, it didn't fix or change anything because I ran AVG again and the same thing popped up (but AVG says there are 0 threats found - both times). Should I be concerned for my parents?
  12. Happy birthday Antonio!
  13. Trying to go through those directions but he has several ntuser.dat files. Do I not copy over all of them? Also, I don't see any .bak files in the registry so I'm wondering if he really has a corrupted user profile (he also tried restoring to a previous point though).
  14. Yes, that is the account he normally uses.
  15. My dad's computer started acting funny this morning. I don't know much about Windows. When he logged back in this morning the following things were missing: His desktop picture, his shortcuts in the taskbar were missing, his programs when you click the start button were gone, and Microsoft office longer seems to be registered. He did have antimalwarebytes delete 2 pups that were in the registry key. We also had someone changing the DSL today but he said he didn't touch the computer. I doubt it was the latter. Do you know what could be the problem and how to fix it? I don't have Windows 7 disks to reinstall everything and also my dad won't let me do that since he doesn't want to lose more things. Could this be caused by a virus (he has a virus scanner) or is this something that maybe is caused by Windows itself. I read something that implies it might be a corrupted user profile.
  16. I doubt it is the router but I could try some tests. It is an Apple extreme. I do have Windows, Macs, iOS devices, and Android devices at home for testing purposes.
  17. I realize that a properly working SB6121 would be fine. I'm just wonder if something could have been damaged (say from a power surge or heat from leaving it in for 3 years) that would cause it to not work sporadically.
  18. Most of the time my (Comcast Blast) connection works and is fast. However, recently it seems like I've been losing my connection more often (sometimes weekly). I thought it was maybe my modem since Comcast online always says that my connection is fine and there are no outages in the area. The reason I think it's maybe not the modem is that it usually happens on Sunday night. The modem I use is the SB6121 which I bought over 3 years ago. Do you think it would be worth getting another modem or do you think it's my neighbors watching lots of streaming HD porn after night church.
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