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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I spoke too soon, now my internet is down again. Edit: I checked at some point on my phone and they said there was an outage in the area and it would be fixed by 3am. Later, I checked (before 3am and I still didn't have service) and my phone said they said my connection was good. I guess their automatic online system is not very accurate. I winder if they are purposely working on the system at night to change something. They should really warn their customers if they are doing this so I don't rent a movie on itunes.
  2. Ok, so maybe my old modem got fucked (in a lightning storm or some other way) because I finally went ahead and got another modem and things seems to be good (for now).
  3. Called up comcast and they said that I still had blast and should be getting higher speed. They have no clue why I'm only getting 15Mbps. They suggested that my modem is onmy capable of DOCSIS 2.0 - idiots.
  4. I've had great service with comcast until a couple of months ago.
  5. I really wish FIOS was an option here. I'm getting very tired of comcast.
  6. Like Dan, I don't know the Amia but love my Leap. I think Colin has a Leap as well.
  7. Ugh, my internet was intermittent this morning and now it is lot slower than usual (and slower than what it should be). I hate comcast. I've ordered an SB6141 to see if it may be my modem that is causing the problem.
  8. I already have my own modem. I'm just wondering if there is some security issue with the current modem. It seems that Comcast could update any modem's firmware at any time then right so even if there is a security issue, it is going to be around as long as I am using Comcast (with any modem).
  9. I thought that was the only way that the firmware could be updated (at least this is what people claim on the interwebs). Should I be worried? Should I get a new modem? See for example here: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/11988 Can anyone explain why this is?
  10. My internet has gone out every night for the last three nights. At least one of the times was because of an outage in the area. I again called Comcast up last night and may have had some success. After trying to reset my modem (SB6121) many times, the woman told me that I needed a firmware update on it. It took about 10 minutes but seems to working now (fingers crossed). I guess Comcast doesn't automatically update firmware? I am hoping that this is the problem. My next step will be to buy a new modem.
  11. ^This!!! I would really like people to know when I liked their post or who liked my post. Otherwise, it is just numbers and I don't think anyone here cares about how many people like their post. Big changes but looking great so far.
  12. Congrats, one for getting the job, and one for knowing to turn it down.
  13. Well, it is a British show, they like their short seasons.
  14. Hope you (and your family if they are with you) are safe Marc!
  15. Picture of the room without the white chair. It used to be where the small table is.
  16. I (with the help of my grad student and her husband who has a truck) moved a love seat that we had at the house into my office. Now I have a place for napping (and sleeping if I get stuck overnight there again). It's a great couch for napping (it has low poofy arms that make a perfect pillow) and I'm short so I fit perfectly. The big white chair that used to be in front of the speaker in the living room is where the couch used to be so now there is nothing obstructing the speaker. Tim was right, the room doesn't look as nice - oh well.
  17. I definitely would plan on reformatting it.
  18. It's not very hard to get at the SSD. Unfortunately, it's not a standard SSD that I can buy at amazon and put back in. I suppose apple would charge me a lot to replace it. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/MacBook+Pro+13-Inch+Retina+Display+Mid+2014+SSD+Replacement/27849 Damn, even from ifixit, they are charging $314.95 for a new replacement drive. Edit: I guess Dusty already pointed this out.
  19. Why would writing over the drive twice work if writing over it once didn't? Just curious. I think I made him encrypt the drive when he first got it. If this is true, I assume it would be difficult for someone to recover the data (well, except his password is pretty easy for a computer to guess probably - would it help for me to change his main password?).
  20. By the way, can anyone explain why encryption doesn't work. If encryption does keep people from getting to your information, why do it? I would think it would be as good as reforming the HD.
  21. Yeah but I don't think it is that easy to get to the hard drive in the MBP.
  22. It would be much better for a random person to try to reconstruct the data because he has letters of recommendation for students who are current grad studetns, postdocs and former students (these are exactly the people who are going to have access to the computer). While it is unlikely they would do this, graduate students in math have been known to spend endless hours doing something just because they can (and some have backgrounds in computer science).
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