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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. For the last week or so my iPhone's battery has been shit. I usually get 2 days easily in it but suddenly it's in the red before 7pm. Coincidence that this happens right when the 6s comes out (and I just finished my 2yr contract)?
  2. That looks much better than my dinner - hummus and raw veggies.
  3. Mike: You dinner looks fantastic!!! That looks good too!
  4. When did this happen? I have certainly paid for than $9.99 for an ipad app in the past. Did you mean $999.99?
  5. No server connection on Tidal. Guess I'll have to use Apple Music (I forgot that I had a subscription to this).
  6. I guess it is a good thing that I have a good headphone setup!
  7. So subdudes it is... although I'm not sure those will help much, will they?
  8. Not now but earlier. It looked (and tasted) much better in person.
  9. shellylh


    I could put it in the Packtite but I think the dryer would probably be better. I'll do it a couple more times (1 hour each time? I think that is the longest it will do and the last 5 minutes is a cool down period). For comforters in the Packtite closet (bed bug heater), they say to open the comforter up, put the thermometer inside the insulation, then let it get to 120 and hold it for an hold. I'm sure if I do this, I will just have a ruined mattress protector and will have to buy another one. I'm not much for sewing. You have more confidence in maintenance people than I do...
  10. shellylh


    I did that but it keeps being wadded up into a ball. Since there is a lot of insulation and it bunches up, I wasn't sure how long it would take to get every part of it at 120 for the necessary time.
  11. shellylh


    I was looking at that one and it looks very nice. It is pretty similar to the one I got (wool stuffed in cotton and is also washable). I might just keep mine - I don't know if they will let me return it anyway. The thing I don't like about mine is that I can see a single black speck inside of the cover but I don't know what it is. That made me worry that there might be a bedbug inside of it - probably not since it doesn't move and I tried to squish it and nothing happened. I can't really see it, I can just see that there is something there. Any quilted type mattress protector could potentially have bed bugs inside of them which makes me worried. I was thinking of getting a wool puddle pad (which would be one piece of wool so that I could better check for bed bugs). The problem is that all the things I looked at are from very small companies that I don't know much about. Also, some of them say that they will ship in 1-4 weeks so I would have to wait a while. I think you are also supposed to put a cotton mattress pad/protector over them to soak up and distribute the sweat. I don't have any cat, dogs, or kids sleeping in my bed so maybe I could get away with no pad? I do wake up sweating a lot though which would probably be bad for the mattress. Maybe I can just put down 3-4 flannel sheets under my sheet (although that would be really hot probably). My life was so much easier before I had bed bugs.
  12. shellylh


    As long as I don't currently have bed bugs, I am not going to buy any bed bug encasements except possibly from here (they don't take any returns). I would be too worried that something with bed bugs bought them and then returned them (I read about this happening on some review on amazon). Also, the shitty foundation I bought has a bunch of splintered wood so it would probably rip any encasement I put on it.
  13. shellylh


    I don't want to get a bed bug cover because then I will always be afraid of ripping it.
  14. Everything looks great Peter! It's making me hungry and thirsty!
  15. I'm sure my neighbors would really love that! Speaking of this, I was thinking that I should maybe put my floorstanding speakers on a pair of Subdudes. What do you think about this? They are on hardwood floors (and the different floor in the building are separated by concrete). http://www.auralex.com/product/subdude-ii/ Do you think they would be stable on something like this?
  16. shellylh


    Got the mattress from Foam Sweet Foam setup and it is fantastic (although I haven't slept on it yet). I can't say the same about the foundation from Sleepez - the wood they use has a million splinters. Thoughts about mattress protectors? I figure that since I just invested a good amount of money in a mattress, I should have a protector. I ordered a wool batting filled mattress protector from Foam Sweet Foam with my order but I don't know if I like it. I was thinking that a basic wool puddle pad like the one below would be better. I like the fact that wool helps with temperature regulation. I don't really want something that completely encases the mattress or one with plasticy stuff. http://www.diynaturalbedding.com/product/diy-organic-wool-puddle-pad/ Do people use mattress protectors and if so, and they like them, what are they?
  17. I thought that the chemical and odor filter on the IQAir would be on all the time. Did you have it turned off?
  18. OK, I'll try to do everything in the manual settings for now. It would be great to borrow your mic Jacob.
  19. I have a Marantz SR6005 receiver that I used to use with a 5.1 setup (LCR are Monitor Audio silver RX6 and centre while the ss and sub are cheapies). I was planning to get rid of the sub and surround sound speakers and just have a 3.0 setup. Is this ok? The manual only specifically mentions a 2.0, 2.1, 5.1, and 7.1 setup though (nothing about a 3.0 setup). I would be using the LR for music and the LRC for movies/tv. "This unit can perform 2.0/2.1 to 7.1-channel surround playback. This page provides the speaker installation procedure for the 7.1-channel playback using surround back speakers as an example. The default setting is 7.1-channel. You can also perform 5.1-channel playback. To perform 5.1-channel playback, connect5.1-channel speakers only. Use Audyssey Auto Setup function of this unit to automatically detect the number of connected speakers and perform optimal settings for the speakers to be used." http://us.marantz.com/DocumentMaster/US/SR6005_U_EN_UG_v00.pdf Eventually I should get separates but I think this is a better choice for now, especially with the lack of space. Edit: I think I may have thrown away the mic to do the Audyssey Auto Setup.... I think I can just go into the manual setup and set all the volumes on the LCR to be there same? Should I set the LR speakers to "large" or keep them "small" since I won't have a sub. I guess the reason to not set them to "large" is so you don't harm the speakers? According to MA, the speakers have a FR of 35Hz - 35kHz. What about the center speaker (it has a FR of 45Hz - 35kHz but will mostly be used for voices/midrange in movies/tv so I assume it should be set to small)?
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