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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I don't see myself doing the European Delivery unless I have another reason to go to Germany. Jet lag + driving long distances sound like sleepy time for me (not a great thing to do in a car). I'll try out the M235i though, it seems like a fun car and not super expensive.
  2. My two favorite places in SLO when I was in college were Gus's groceries (good subs, cheap beer, and laidback atmosphere - it's back) and Firestone Grill (for the tri-tip sandwich) but they may not be so good to go to when it's raining (all the seating at Gus's is outside).
  3. Great! I was wondering how you got such nice cars. Haven't decided what to buy since I haven't done any test drives. I was thinking of going with either a very basic Honda Accord V6 Coupe or Lexus IS 350 (not sure about the F Sport). Reading about leasing a car made it seem very complicated which is one reason I am not sure about getting the BMW M235i (also, there aren't very many around here and the people at the BMW dealers seem to all be dicks). I can't remember if there is anything else I was considering. Perhaps I should just get the Honda and when some nicks the car with their door or hits me from behind I won't be as upset.
  4. I suppose I probably need to test drive some cars first. What about financing vs paying cash?
  5. i really need a new car but dealing with dealers is not something I like to do (also I need to get my fender bender fixed before I can trade in my old car). I think I better do the pricing ahead of time. Any suggestions/hints are welcome.
  6. Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do
  7. I was thinking he might be Dean but maybe he was just interim Dean... Edit: Looking at the department's webpage, he seems to be Interim Associate Dean (and it seems Karen is the chair of the department). Still, no excuse!
  8. Went by my old house to find out that someone had sent me a pecan pie for the holidays. Unfortunately, I hadn't been sitting on my front porch for a few days. Too bad since I like pecan pie.
  9. Speaking of gymnastics, has anyone heard from Jim in a while? Maybe he drank some of Jeffy's Mattnog.
  10. I get logged out all the time too. It started happening with the new forum software update.
  11. The picture is horrible but the pizza was fantastic: butternut squash, brown butter bechamel sauce, mozzarella, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, and kale. I need to get pizza with bechamel sauce more often.
  12. I seriously doubt that flight was delayed because of snow in Houston (unless there was a big cocaine bust at the airport).
  13. I don't know if it's the same* but it was delicious and I wish I had more. The egg in it was really awesome. *Probably is since I see they have one in Bellevue, WA. http://www.jinya-ramenbar.com/
  14. Ramen at Jinya Ramen (no pics)... good choice for this rainy cold day.
  15. Started watching Transparent Season 2. I don't like it quite as much as Season 1 but there are some interesting issue they bring up. The problem is that (so far) it's even more about the annoying kids and less about Maura.
  16. That looks fucking fantastic Jeffy! When should I be over?
  17. First, I would be equally upset if there were similar pictures of men posted in this thread. I am not sure if that is what you meant by double standard. I very rarely look at the slower forum thread so I don't know what is in there. I like following this thread to learn about photography and to see what people are doing. I think it is fine to post the pictures with spoiler tags. Also realize that people are allowed to criticize ones photos whether it is about how one composed the photo, choice of subjects, etc. I also find things like the Victoria's Secret Fashion show on tv offensive and would not watch such thing. I never said they were strippers. What I said was that it makes no difference to me if they were a stripper or med student/doctor. I find the pictures slightly offensive and the fact that they are med students/doctors does not mean that it changes the picture. There is no problem with soft porn, I just don't think it should be posted in this thread. I have no problem with the human body. I would not care if a person was walking down the street naked and wouldn't think twice about doing it myself if it didn't bother others. I just have a problem with the way that the models were posed. It just feels demeaning to me (even though I understand that the models were perfectly fine with it). I have no problem with people watching porn, being a stripper (I have been friends with several strippers in my life), etc.
  18. When CJ posted the half naked women pictures, I was less than pleased but decided not to say anything as I didn't want to make a fuss and be viewed as a prude. I do think that it would have been good to put spoiler tags on them. Since others have said something I thought I should mention some of my thoughts. I am not sure why it matters that they are med students/residents/doctors whatever. Putting up these type of pictures is demeaning to women in my mind and I found them offensive. It is no different than if they were strippers. They are essentially the picture equivalent of soft porn.
  19. I was sad to hear about Scott Weiland. I met him once in college when he was passing through San Luis Obispo. We sat and talked for an hour or so. Drugs suck.
  20. Just got back from the Muse concert - awesome!
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