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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. shellylh


    They're not on sale, they're from the outlet. I'd prefer to buy new. I just haven't decided whether getting a sub in an apartment is a good idea or else I would have one already. If you do see new subs on sale, please let me know though.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this Mike. Please give big hugs to Debbie for me. RIP Sugarbear.
  3. I don't know that I completely agree with Dan (about betting on the Super Bowl) but I certainly wouldn't put any money is a single company's stock unless I was fully prepared to lose that money. I have some play money in individual stocks just for fun but I would never suggest that someone put a significant percentage of their savings in one.
  4. I'd buy google over bitcoins (in fact, I own some google stock).
  5. ^You can probably do better than in Vegas.
  6. Giant Kitty - This Stupid Stuff (my grad student's band's new album - it's pretty fun if you like female fronted post punk/rock music and I approve of anyone doing a Man Size cover)
  7. You just happen to be hanging out in his hotel room?
  8. Must be a relief and a great feeling. I remember fondly the day I finally got a shard of glass out of my foot after living with it for 6 months (I had even been to the doctor and gotten x-rays and hadn't found anything).
  9. Had brisket tacos for dinner. They were tasty but they were not in the same league as Naaman's.
  10. I use checks all the time. Buy an old house and you'll find yourself using them all the time.
  11. There is no way that on wearing anything but jeans so smaller phones are a must.
  12. Happy birthday from Texas!!!
  13. No idea, I've never had the 14.
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