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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I'll check this out. Thanks. Dinny: Sorry to hear about the bad news.
  2. Very nice Grahame. Pictures please Monkey.
  3. Haha, I should have known Steve would find a way to work in size. 19" CRT -> 50" plasma is quite a change! I think I need to mess with the settings on this TV. For live sports, it is great. The problem is that the people in movies look almost too detailed. I was watching the Lord of the Rings (Fellowship) last night and sometimes it seems like you are watching the filming of the movie instead of the post-production movie. For example, it is too easy to tell that the scenery in the background is fake or the characters seems somewhat disjoint from the background. Perhaps this is due to the brightness of the screen or some other settings (I haven't adjusted anything yet). Anyone have the same experience? Perhaps I am just paying attention to too many details and not enjoying the overall picture. Edit: What are your thoughts on calibration disks like this? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001UM29OC/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=A2BYOPJ74A7ZRX&v=glance
  4. I have had a 15" Macbook Pro (non unibody) for a couple of years (and a 15" G4 before that). If I were to buy a laptop right now, I would get a 13" Macbook Pro. For me, 15" is not that great for home use so I use an external monitor at my desk. I used to have a 10.6" Fujitsu Lifebook and the screen for me was too small. 13" seems just right.
  5. My "Christmas" Samsung LN52B750 52" 240Hz LCD tv (not Reks approved) arrived this morning so I spent some time setting it up and watching it (just HDTV so far). I wanted to stay with an LCD but just couldn't convince myself to pay for the new LED technology. The picture quality is far superior to my last Samsung (from about 2.5 years ago). I am really impressed with it and I am looking forward to watching a Blu Ray movie on it! It also helps to go from 40" -> 52".
  6. I got my gift from Brent (yesterday) and will be putting it under the tree. I cannot wait to listen to it. Thanks Brent! I hope the one I sent you arrives soon.
  7. Spent a lot of the morning trying to figure out why my download of Linux Mint 8 was 722MB instead of 688MB. Finally asked someone and found out that Snow Leopard handles file sizes differently than Leopard (and most other OS's I think). Snow Leopard's new math | Mac OS X | MacUser | Macworld Why would they change? Seems like a bad idea to me.
  8. poor guy (909's dog, not dannyb)
  9. Samsung LN52B750 52" LCD TV
  10. or just an ass
  11. This exact thing happened to me recently. It was very frustrating and I still don't understand why this happens. I assume that yours was supposed to have a 2-day guarantee.
  12. After owning a flat panel HD TV for 2 years, I finally upgraded from analog cable to an HD/digital cable. I am not sure why I waited so long.
  13. shellylh


    Bought one this morning....
  14. Wow, that form is ridiculously annoying - fits right in with everything else IPodPJ.
  15. Hmm, I don't seem to be able to see the pic that Al linked (only the quote of Dusty's response). Is there something wrong with my browser's settings or am I just not worthy the mighty Voltron's links?
  16. Missing pic? If my JH13's are ever missing, I know where to look.
  17. RE RB Beatles: Your mom could always just do the singing part, that is the easiest instrument. The drums can be quite difficult depending on the person and level.
  18. Funny, this is why I chose light translucent blue for mine, very stealthy for a smurf, but not too bad for a very white person.
  19. Be different: muddy water blue
  20. Ok, thanks for the clarification.
  21. Answer=RB: I think GH is only for 2 players max whereas 4 people can make a fool of themselves while playing RB. Of course, as already stated, one should have lots friends around of alcohol consumed while playing.
  22. Happy Birthday Steve!!!
  23. Dinny, sorry to hear that you DIY project didn't go so well. A few years ago, I also unsuccessfully installed a new battery on an ipod mini.
  24. Looks like fun guys and gal, wish I could have made it!
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