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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I am honored.
  2. Very nice Mike! If you ever get tired of it....
  3. Just got back from seeing "Wonderland: Alice's New Musical Adventure" - meh.
  4. shellylh

    Canjam 2010.

    I'll be certain to at least add Thursday night then.
  5. shellylh

    Canjam 2010.

    I made my reservations a while ago for Friday and Saturday night. I am wondering if I shouldn't extend my reservation though.
  6. It sucks what they are doing to Conan. It is not the Tonight Show if it is airs at 12:05 and I feel that they would morally be breaching their contract if they were to move it to that time. I have watched Conan on and off since the beginning and although, he can be a bit manic, I think he is a really great "interviewer" (whatever the word should be). On the other hand, I also adore Craig and would love to see him on at a reasonable time (he isn't as quick and good with the interviews as Conan though and couldn't see him ever taking over the Tonight Show). I have never been much of a fan of Leno or Letterman. I feel that Leno is only good for those old boring people... With that said, I will join in with Conan and Al and say fuck you NBC.
  7. ^
  8. Sounds nice. I work in low-dimensional topology, mostly 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds and knot theory. Most of my work has an algebraic flavor to it, often looking at (co)homology (with coefficients) modules over some relatively nice non-commutative rings. I also have a few papers with purely group theoretic results which is why I have some familiarity with J. Algebra.
  9. Cool, that is a really good journal! I have had the pleasure of having a paper rejected from them. What is your area?
  10. I got one of the Vinturi Wine Aerators for Christmas and it is great (although true wine snobs may laugh at the idea and of course, isn't a true decanter).
  11. My comma button is not working. I need to get me some Stones albums. I am ashamed to admit that that I have none.
  12. Perhaps you can paint it black. How are you liking the Kindle so far?
  13. I ended up ordering the following. K DX: M-Edge Executive Jacket K 2: M-Edge Platform Jacket I would have preferred something like the MaxGuard Plus but it was out of stock for 3-5 weeks (at least through amazon). I was also somewhat limited in my choices since I wanted to order using amazon prime. I like reading on the DX "sideways" so I chose the Executive over the Platform for the DX. Unfortunately, this restricted me to "red synthetic leather" for this one. Hopefully, it doesn't look too tacky or smell too bad.
  14. The MaxGuard looks pretty nice - similar to the one Wayne got I think. Does it have a hard cover? Dinny, does the M-Edge have a hard cover or is it just a slipcase?
  15. Yeah, we had a high of 33 the other day and a low in the low 20's three nights in a row. Not fun in Houston. I had to find my neighbor yesterday to let them know that one of their pipes had busted from the overnight freeze and was flooding the street. Cannot wait for it to get above 50 again!
  16. I want to get two Kindle covers, non-hinged* (one for Kindle DX and one for Kindle 2). The one Wayne recommended seems to no longer be available. Any suggestions? *I have opened my Kindle cover (original amazon one) a couple of times from the "back" and am afraid of breaking the screen.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. I have a Kelty 2500ST that I have been carrying around forever. It is great but I wanted to get something a little smaller for everyday and one of the zippers is starting to die a slow death. I agree with the padding at the bottom, I never did that with the 2500 but should have now that I think of it.
  19. It is much cheaper and more fun to fill a 6 million dollar home (camera bag) with camera goodies that to air condition a 6 million dollar (real) home. Hence I went with the bag. I got the new one... just grabbed the wrong picture.
  20. Crumpler 6 million dollar home Kelty Range backpack
  21. Definitely! He must have been scared ****less when he went in the game but did well under the circumstances.
  22. I think the Aggie bonfire might be appropriate.
  23. It was a fun game.
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