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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I think Al is right, you are on a roll with wine Greg! Very nice! I am excited about the TH Rye. I think it will be right up my alley.
  2. Namaan built SE 3-channel B22 with remote via Mike. Thomas Handy Sazerac via San Francisco Wine Trading Co.. Panavise Jr. A bunch of CDs and 3 photography books.
  3. Happy belated birthday Steve!!!
  4. OK you can have some pretty princesses too. :prettyprincess::prettyprincess::prettyprincess: I think it is interesting that you bought a pair of Beyers.
  5. Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies I love this album.
  6. What is happening tomorrow? I seem to be totally out of the loop.
  7. Have you been to a churrascaria? I am having a Sazerac cocktail to try and settle my food or at least put me in a meat/wine/whiskey coma.
  8. Just got back from a Brazilian churrascaria. Good, but I think I will be eating vegetarian for the rest of the week.
  9. I guess the problem I had with the 6MDH was that it was a bit too large (for me, who is 5'2" - still waiting for that growth spurt). I am sure I will probably give in and buy another 6MDH once I figure out that the 5MDH is too small to carry everything I want to carry. Either that, or I will carry my trusty backpack along with the 5MDH.
  10. Very nice Brent, but I hope all of that is for your very special Valentine. Which million dollar bag is that? I sent back my 6 million and got a 5 million. I am very happy with the size of the 5 million.
  11. Geaux Saints. Good game!
  12. Thanks Elephas. These printed charts to seem to be a bit inconsistent.
  13. Computer - check PWD - X pair of Quad 12L - X I am 1/3 of the way there.... hmm
  14. hirsch: Thanks, this is very useful information. I bought the B&K from Brent Jesse less than a year ago. It was calibrated at that time. I sent the tester back in August because I was getting some low readings on NOS 6sn7 tubes and the meter was bouncing around a but. Brent looked over it and changed the regulator lamp which was causing the meter to bounce. It was also the case that the manual had the wrong settings for the 6sn7 in it (has something in the 60's for sensitivity I think where Brent said it should be 80). Now it is working well with the 6sn7's. I wonder if the manual has the wrong settings for the 6AS7 or 5998. I'll do some more tests tonight. It is useful to know about the life test; I hadn't been paying much attention to it. I wonder how many good tubes I have thrown out in the past because they tested "bad/low" on the B&K. Nate: I may take you up on your kind offer if I cannot get things sorted out locally. Many thanks again.
  15. They test in the bad region which really surprises me. I haven't tried a pair of 6AS7 in the tester recently. So maybe I should try that (if I have a pair... pretty sure I at least have some 6080's). I also have another pair of 5998's that I could try. The whole file would be great. I will send you my email by PM.
  16. Thanks Nate. The 6AS7 data is the same as in my manual. I will try those settings for the 5998. The only difference seems to be the sensitivity setting. Since it should be set lower on the 5998, doesn't this means that the tubes should actually test lower than they would on the 6AS7 settings or am I oversimplifying or inverting things? In any case, I will try it out.
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