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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I spent this sunny afternoon walking through the UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens.
  2. Lots o bitters: peach, mint, orange, cherry.
  3. Same as Dan (different order number), now back to bed.
  4. Been thinking of doing this myself.
  5. You have a very thoughful wife Nate.
  6. Forgot to uninstall my patches before letting Palm update my Pre to WebOS 1.4. My phone was completely f***ed up - wouldn't connect to wifi, was really slow for some reason... Spent all morning/afternoon wiping it clean and reinstalling WebOS with WebOS Doctor. Now I am trying to get MyTether back working since I am traveling tomorrow and would like to have some internet while in transit. What a PITA!
  7. *If* I get one, it will be not be a 3G for the same reason as Dan... can use the Pre as a router or use wifi at home.
  8. Thanks. I will check out TuneConnect.
  9. I got my chair from a friend a while back, it is a good chair but I don't know where to get another one (or I would buy a matching one for guests to come over a listen to music and for symmetry).
  10. Happy Birthday Nate, hope it is super great!
  11. Set up the Mac Mini as my music server. Works great with the Macbook Pro via screen share (is there a better program to control it?). Also got to spend some time listening to the B22.
  12. Monkey: Glad to hear about Mrs. Monkey and good luck with the MRI.
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