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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I like to pretend all those skinny people are unhappy.
  2. Pretty much my favorite meal, guess that is why I will never be one of those skinny unhappy people.
  3. Hmm, $600 an inch doesn't sound like I am getting a very good deal.
  4. Yay Ken. I decided to give mine to the hubby (hoping this will allow me to use my open headphones more often) and Doug at Westone was fine with that. I haven't been able to get the hubby to the audiologist yet though.
  5. That is very nice of you to offer Ryan. I should really make another call to my local store again... maybe I'll get lucky. If I get desperate, I'll PM you.
  6. Cannot really recommend anything Vicki, I am still trying to get an Apple case.
  7. Nice Nice Nice
  8. If I stalk Vicki or Al, I will be poor (but happy I guess)... for music recommendations that is.
  9. Good luck Doug! Do what you love and fuck the PhD. I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone to go to graduate school unless it is truly their passion. Life is too short.
  10. Very cool Al (day at the Presidio Habitats trail).
  11. I was looking at the Think Tank website and found this. Maybe Colin should get one for carrying around his Thunderpants.
  12. That sounds good; I am hungry.
  13. A cool 96 degrees with only 45% humidity here. Peter, that hike looks like a lot of fun. I do miss hills/mountains living in a city where the highest point is about 50ft above sea level. Nice cake Nate! Today has been rather nice for me - my first real break from work since I got back from CanJam. Went to the gym then sat by the rec pool on campus and read a book. Later tonight my husband and I are going to head downtown for a drink, dinner and then a play (Boeing Boeing).
  14. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
  15. Good luck with the windstorm insurance and have fun with your new toy!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Submitted my NSF annual report (that was overdue). I think I am now just about caught up with administrative shit, at least for now.
  18. Two bottles of Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Fritz And Ken's Ale. They didn't have any of the Anniversary bock though.
  19. Happy Birthday Lilly!
  20. Good idea for the spare "battery." Mine sometimes takes a while to start up and says "refreshing media" or something like that even if I haven't changed anything and sometimes it starts up right away (perhaps this is always after a recharge - I haven't paid too much attention - which would explain a lot). My husband's always takes about a minute to start up no matter what - it doesn't say "refreshing media," just has the Sansa symbol on the screen like it it frozen but it you wait it will go to the menu (think he has a 4GB Clip+).
  21. Yea Vicki! Edit: Oops, didn't see the last post. Boo hoo.
  22. I like everything about the 8GB Sansa Clip+ (plus 8GB microsdhc) except the short battery life and time it takes to "refresh the media" every time I turn it on. It is nice and small and cheap though.
  23. shellylh

    Canjam 2010.

    Great pics Grahame.
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