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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Today is a magical day, a package from magical Florida showed up.
  2. Ric: Is there something about your setup that might explain this (besides living in a cave).
  3. shellylh

    slow forum

    Too easy. Arizona Opera > Richard Wagner > German > Adolf Hitler
  4. I would prefer to keep the router hardwired to the main tv/ps3 which would require them to be on the first floor. Smeggy: I would be very interested to hear how the Extreme works out for you in terms of range. Edit: Just saw the thing about tomato/ddwrt since my parents also have a WRT54G.
  5. OK, seems like Extreme is the way to go. I like the idea of connecting a harddrive to it. (Not sure that this is possible with the Linksys.)
  6. I cannot use my ipad upstairs in the bedroom unless I am sitting at the foot of the bed - obviously that is not the most convenient setup - because the wireless signal is too low. I have a two story house, my router (Linksys WRT54G) is downstairs, the bedroom is upstairs and at the other end of the house. I don't want to move the router because it is hardwired to the tv and PS3. I can use my laptop in bed, just not the ipad. Do you think it would be best to get an Airport Express to extend the wireless or get an Airport Extreme (or both). I think I remember reading that 5Ghz doesn't work as well as 2.4Ghz signals in a place with a lot of walls, but that could have been a bunch of BS.
  7. Time for some new cocktails! What's first?
  8. Damn Mike, that is some bad luck.
  9. I voted for Friday but any of the days M,T,W or F would work for me.
  10. Not sure if anyone is interested, but I was able to use my Ipevo Free-1 (a corded USB Skype phone) with the ipad USB adaptor and Skype app. Of course, you can just use it to communicate, not for choosing contacts, opening the skype app, etc., like on a Mac or PC.
  11. Steve, I am really really sorry to hear about Fred. Remember that we are here for you if you need anything. Hang in there. RIP Fred.
  12. Jesus Brent, that is scary. It made me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Hope today is better.
  13. Mike, If they have one and you don't mind picking one up for me, that would be great!!! [i checked and they don't have any in the Apple store here.]
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