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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. In a perfect world where I got to choose who to sit with at dinner and what to eat, that would be a good choice. Only one more meal at the math prison though, yeah! I'll make sure to mix beer with everything. *We did have sauerbraten for lunch one day this week and it was excellent. Had something other sort of pork/mushrooms/gravy dish that was also good too but I don't remember the name of it.
  2. Nice, Jim. I need to get some of Junipero.
  3. Happy Cocktail, I mean Birthday, Jim!!! Cheers.
  4. I want some BBQ... I cannot emphasize how tired I am of sauerkraut and tasteless potatoes and wheat beer.
  5. Besides some games, I have just used certain *very* specialized math software that was only written for Windows. Oh yeah, I also used PlayOn via Windows until I got totolly Fed up with PlayOn.
  6. Jeez, that is damn scary Ken! Hope everything gets worked out.
  7. That seems unfair. Vicki: You really never know. My luck could run out at any time now.
  8. I thought there were no points gained or lost from overtime play.
  9. Don't give up yet Vicki, you still have three players!!
  10. Being in Germany, I missed all the games yesterday and have no clue what happened to my precious Chris Johnson. Still did ok though, sorry Deepak, no birthday wins. Dinny's team is looking a bit better than last week.
  11. Me too. Maybe it's the difference between using it with IMAP or POP? On another note, I have begun using the trackpad with the left hand and a Logitech mouse with the right and it's great.
  12. Jim, Glad your family is ok. Hope all the HCers are ok.
  13. You think I would have noticed that.
  14. Oops. Hope he doesn't play until Sunday.
  15. Obviously you should combine both flavor packets with just one box of pasta. That would be really explosive!
  16. The Brinkmann looks awesome Mike and what a deal!
  17. Haha, no way. Actually, you are projected to win right now so I don't think there will be any birthday spankin's.
  18. Installed Tex Touch app on the ipad today. It is a nice latex editor. It doesn't have its own compiler but rather compiles via Dropbox+Tex Timer (a program that you run on some other computer that tells tex to compile any file that is changed in a specified folder in your Dropbox Folder). It was pretty easy to set up and works well (as long as you have an internet connection). You can still edit when not connected via wifi but won't be able to compile.
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