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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I just don't understand leaf blowers, you still have to pick up the leaves at some point.
  2. Curious about the new flagship Stax. Glad that I didn't rush out and buy an O2 mkii after getting the KGSS.
  3. Vicki, just heard that you broke your JH13's. That really sucks, hope they get fixed soon.
  4. The acorn squash took a lot longer than I thought they would take but they eventually finished after throwing them in the oven at 450. Guess I need a super grill like Mike. The ribeyes were great, very near rare but really good. It doesn't hurt to slop a little butter on them when they come off the grill.
  5. Good luck Birgit. Sounds like you'll need it. Nate: Sounds like a really special day.
  6. Mike's dinner looked so good, I went about and bought an acorn squash and rib eye steak. The squash are cooking on the grill right now and the steak will go on just long enough for the rare side of med-rare.
  7. The game between Jeff and Nate was close! Congrats Dinny on your win. I hate the Giants defense today.
  8. Never thought of making mashed potatoes with baked potatoes but I am sure they would be much better. I bet they would taste a lot like baked potatoes.
  9. Looks like I have an excellent chance at a big fast loss this week.
  10. I have no problem at all with the bass or mids on the JH13... it is all very good.
  11. Amazon is just lucky that I have a PS3 downstairs and that is where the big TV and booze is located.
  12. Evidently amazon has started using other courier services besides UPS. My Apple TV was sent via Ensenda who delivered it to the campus mail delivery services center instead of the department. So I will have to wait until Monday to get it.
  13. I guess there is a small chance that it would arrive before the 11th.
  14. I have been listening to the 404LE and KGSS (my first Stax rig) lately. I am starting to really understand why everyone describes the Stax sound as "effortless." I am really digging them, more than the LCD-2 (my other "new" can). I can see some O2's and possibly 4070's in my future.
  15. Damn glad you didn't die... from the steak.
  16. The Apple store sucks. I waited almost 2 months for them to ship the Magic Trackpad that I ordered on the day it was announced (from the "education" store). By the time it was shipped, I already had two trackpads (one from Mikes-R-US in S Florida) and one that I got from the Apple non-education store. Unfortunately, since it was ordered with a "pcard" on the education store, they wouldn't even let me cancel my order in that time period (well, at least not without a lot of work). That reminds me, if anyone wants to buy I trackpad, I have an extra one. Apple rant is done now.
  17. I ordered an Apple tv from Amazon (as well as Apple) on October 1st. Amazon claimed they were out of "temporarily out of stock" at the time and they would email me an estimated date of delivery when they had more information. Apple had an estimated delivery of October 21st. They Apple TV from amazon shipped today and will be here tomorrow! So those who are waiting for Apple to ship may want to try amazon.
  18. If they had put some pink gold bling on the headband, I would be all over them.
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