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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. This sounds like a very good day...especially the massage part. I could use one of those.
  2. Saw this today and I was not unhappy to hear about it.
  3. Fitz, thought it might be useful to recommend some of the products I would start with when getting into mixing on a budget. 1. Gin (an absolute must in my book but I really like gin). There are plenty of good gins around. I really like Plymouth or Bluecoat but they cost around $25. There are plenty of good gins under $20. For a good budget gin, many go with Gordon's which is close to $10 but I haven't had it in a long time so I cannot verify its drinkability. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/02/dining/02wine.html 2. Vermouth (dry and sweet). I might be inclined to get a bottle of Dolin blanc instead of a dry vermouth and just cheat the recipes a little because it is so damn good. However, it cost around $15 and there are certainly cheaper alternatives. Noilly Prat is popular and goes for around $7 per bottle. Again, it has been a while since I have had this so I will let someone comment if they have a better suggestion. I would stay away from Martini and Rossi though. Also, keep these in the fridge and they will last longer. 3. Rye. I love Sazerac 6 yr but it will run you $25-30 and there may be a cheaper alternative that is just about as good. Wild Turkey Rye is also supposed to be very good. Stay away from Old Overholt. It is cheap ~$13 but tastes like "panther piss." You could also substitute bourbon but then Al and others will give you hell for making a Manhattan with bourbon. 4. Bitters (Angostura and Peychauds) 6. Stuff like lime, lemons, tonic water, as needed. 7. Campari, not too expensive ($15) and will allow you to make a Negroni. I would get this after you have the other stuff though as it cannot be used in as many drinks as the other stuff. For the future: Herbsaint or Absinthe if you want to make the delicious Sazerac. Absinthe can be pretty pricey though, it does go a long way though. Brandy Anything else I am forgetting?
  4. Sure. There are some pricey liquors but not all of them are that pricey, and you could just avoid those. You don't have to use really good/pricey booze to make cocktails, in fact in some ways, it is just the opposite.
  5. When is Mike's BBQ going to start delivering?
  6. LOL, Mikes R Us is my favorite store.
  7. A package arrived from sfwtc today. Torani Amer Thomas Handy Sazerac Green Chartreuse (could have bought the Chartreuse around here but didn't want to buy a 750ml bottle)
  8. Happy Birthday to Vicki and Penger!!!!
  9. Like. I would like to upgrade my rack.
  10. I am going to borrow Al's pair. Thanks Al, your a pal.
  11. Bluetin Shop selling Stax EP-234Limited Earpads for SR-404 Limited and more Might be cheaper elsewhere though.
  12. Yay for Al! :prettyprincess:
  13. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely wait until I've heard these before jumping in. I am concerned about the weight of the headphones. Also, I hadn't thought about the possible facelift.
  14. Having a pair of closed headphones that I really like would be very useful for a long lasting happy relationship with my husband. I really like the sound of the JH13's but don't really like having IEMs stuck in my ears. I have been really enjoying my "new" Stax setup (404LE + KGSS) so the natural question is whether I should get a pair of 4070's. My main concern: fit. Having a woman's sized head, being that I am a woman, can be a problem. Oh yeah, and they are not exactly cheap but it would be worth the cost if it was something that I really used a lot. I assume that $1700 from Woo Audio is about the best price I am going to get. Any comments?
  15. Wow, that seems rather cheap. Interested to hear what Mike thinks.
  16. Like others, congrats Mr Santos!
  17. Oh, oops, I meant to say ipad + remote app. So yes, I am using remote app to control the apple tv, instead of the remote it comes with. Much better if you have to type anything, for example, searching on you tube, netflix, etc. Just realized that there is no way to stream mlb.tv on the Apple tv yet. Good thing the season is almost over. Perhaps they will have this feature by next season.
  18. It can get rather hot and humid even by mid-morning. Our "quiet hours" end at 7am on weekdays, 8am on Saturdays but luckily not until noon on Sundays. I do believe one is allowed to shoot anyone making noise during quiet hours.
  19. Almost all our neighbors hire lawn service people to blow leaves around with leaf blowers (even though the lawns are each about the size of a postage stamp). I figure that all the leaves just end up on our lawn since we don't have a leaf blower to blow them back. The thing I hate about leaf blowers is that they are so LOUD and the lawn people insist on blowing leaves on Saturday morning at 7:30am (even though they are supposed to wait til 8am). I suppose if you live next to a forest, the leaf blower may be a good idea.
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