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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Nate: Sad that you cannot make it. Let's hope that you have better luck with Mayberry II.
  2. Very nice score Steve and Auntie Vicki
  3. Oh, ok. I didn't think they liked to swim though.
  4. I do not approve of this statement... meanies.
  5. shellylh


    I hadn't noticed the change in lens either. Based on these pictures, it seems that the GF1 is going to be very close in size to the LX5 (even in depth).
  6. shellylh


    I think they are pretty close in size except for depth (as you can see in the picture). I am estimating that the GF2 will be around 2.3" deep with the pancake lens where the LX5 is less than 2" deep.
  7. shellylh


    Do I even need to say "WANT?" Still seems to be a fair amount large in depth than the LX5 even with pancake lens though. http://www.dpreview.com/previews/panasonicdmcgf2/
  8. shellylh


    The day after I got the LX5, the price went down $50.
  9. shellylh


    The LX5 is a pretty awesome camera... and it's damn cute... and like you said, at I am sure the GF2 will be twice the price....
  10. shellylh


    That figures since I just got the LX5.
  11. Damn, I'm going to get an ass whoopin'!
  12. Wayne, I have the 404LE and I like them a lot. For some reason, they are much better than the 4070 in term of fit. Perhaps it is because they are so much lighter or because of the leather pads or because they are almost new and the headband is not stretched out at all or because they are open or because they have a plastic assembly which is not as rigid as wood or maybe a combination of all five? But I think you are right that I will never be able to fully enjoy the 4070s because of the fit.
  13. Maybe. Guess it feels a little weak or unnatural, maybe not as full as I would like. Perhaps there is some recessed midrange that is making me feel this way though. As far as closed headphones go, I think it is actually pretty good. I don't think it is worth getting over a pair of JH13 though. KGSS for 4070 GS-1 for JH13
  14. By the way, just wanted to make sure a gun is not required to enter the state of Florida.
  15. I have had Al's pair of 4070's for over a week now (thanks again Al!). First off, I have had a heck of a time getting a fit. (The weight was fine however.) The only way that I can get any kind of "seal" is if I angle the headband towards the back of my head or use my hands to push the pads against my head. Obviously, both of these situations are not optimal so you should probably ignore anything I say from now on. Basically, the cans just aren't doing anything for me. I've spent some time, going back and forth listening to 4070s and the JH13s. There is just really no comparison (for me). The 4070s are technically pretty good, except maybe for the bass, but when I put on the JH13's, it is like I walked into the room where the music is playing instead of listening in the hall. I am sure that a lot of this has to do with the bad fit so, again, please ignore everything I am saying. This exercise has been interesting. It has made me think that maybe I really should be getting a pair of JH16+3A (and keeping the JH13s for portable use of course). Hmmmmmm.
  16. Voted Waited in line at the grocery store for a while to get a 6 pack of Saint Arnold's Divine Reserve #10. Eventually I had to leave and go to a meeting. 10 minutes after I left the beer truck showed up!
  17. Girls rule tonight in Fantasy Football!!!
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