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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. On the way to the airport!
  2. At least you will be there.
  3. Jealous. I have to get home, pack and go to bed so I can get up at 5am for my flight tomorrow!
  4. Very cool Mike!
  5. I can bring 404LE's if someone is interested. Otherwise they will stay here.
  6. Pretty please, somebone bring a pair of O2.
  7. Seems I'll be playing against "Can't Get No Biscuits" this week!
  8. Yay! I am tired of this cold weather.
  9. Congrats to you too Haj.
  10. Thanks to Brent, Deepak and the Patriots's support, I think I actually made it to the playoffs (unless I cannot add)!
  11. Happy Birthday Dave!
  12. Got and set up my early Christmas gift (rower). It won't be staying in the living room though.
  13. Gene, I assume there are cabs in Tampa, right? So getting to Bern's and back should be no problem.
  14. Thanks Brent.
  15. shellylh


    Those potatoes and pork chops look good.
  16. It will be amazing if I win this week with the way my team has played lately (at least the players that I don't bench).
  17. That sucks CJ. I love that we don't have to proctor (actually are not allowed to proctor) exams because of the honor code. Can you switch with another grad student? Maybe the prof doesn't like the idea of an undergrad proctoring the exam. I could see that. In any case, that prof sounds like a prick.
  18. shellylh


    Have fun guys!
  19. This picture is all win.
  20. That looks fun!
  21. Definitely in for Bern's on Friday. As for gear, I was trying to thing of what to bring. Possible things I can bring that aren't too difficult to carry on the plane. GS-1 + Pico DAC Laptop or ipad or Mac Mini + ipad as source LCD-2 HD800? Other headphones? Any thoughts?
  22. Good idea. I grinded my teeth into a root canal, not fun. Now, I never go without the night guard. Congrats! My first PhD student is graduating this May. I just found out that she has an interview at the national meetings in January. That was a nice surprise considering how aweful the job market is these days.
  23. Well, given that I have lost for the last 4 weeks in a row and I am playing Deepak this week, I am guessing that I am in for another loss. My guess is that Raffy (Iron Lung) and Dinny (DAC PAC) will win their games this week so it will really be between the two of them. Of course maybe Vick will score a million points again and Schwartz will beat Iron Lung (still quite unhappy about that loss... grrrr).
  24. That's me! Bought in April 2008, I have had trouble with mine from the beginning.
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