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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. T-shirt in blue please if I can get one in a medium.
  2. OK. Just as long as I get to beat Brent this week.
  3. I am confused. I thought we summed week 14 and 15 points and whomever had the higher total score (out of me and Brent) would play the one with the higher total score out of Deepak and Jeff. Is that correct? That seems to be what is implied by the week 15 box score. Nevermind, I think I know what you meant. Head to head viewing weeks 14 and 15 as a single game (as round 1).
  4. Congrats Bryan. I know nothing about the real world. High of 68 here, was quite nice.
  5. That really sucks Brent. Do you have a bacterial or viral infection? Caused by the flu? Get lots of rest if you can. The score now is tied 108-108. Houston was getting slammed by the Ravens during the first half - I think it was 21-0 at some point - but Schaub really came back for me in the second half getting a total 37ff points in regulation time to put me 2 points ahead of you (until overtime when he proceeded to throw an interception and end the game with 35 points and a tie for us). Don't know what next week looks like though.
  6. Manhattan in a box is pure win!
  7. I liked the second half of the game tonight. Brent, you are going down.
  8. That sucks Jacob. Hope the surgery goes well.
  9. Guessed I missed some excitement last night! @Brent: Sorry to hear you got sick.
  10. Cool chair Ric! @Mike: I thought the Emotiva and Schiit Valhalla made a nice little setup.
  11. Sorry about your grandfather Steve.
  12. Must have been the newer MBP. Just got home. Sorry to hear about the flight Scott. It was great to see everyone. It was really a great weekend. Gene did a great job setting everything up. I wish I could still be there. I was lucky enough to have Vicki's BHSE and O2's in my room. I just love that setup. Tried to steal it but I couldn't fit it in my carryon. Gene + Mike's "budget" setup (Schiit + Emotiva DAC + 650) sounded really nice. I liked the LCD-2 with the BA a lot more than the HD800's with the BA. In fact, I didn't really like the HD800 with the BA so much. Should have listened to the Schiit LCD-2 combo along with a lot of other things.
  13. Jealous. I have to get home, pack and go to bed so I can get up at 5am for my flight tomorrow!
  14. I can bring 404LE's if someone is interested. Otherwise they will stay here.
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