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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Only 1 more bomber of Dreadnaught left. Will be refreshing Archer Liquors' webpage daily.
  2. Absolutely, I have started 5 of them already.
  3. Starting the beginning of our Spring Break with a bomber of Three Floyds Dreadnaught!
  4. How come my new computer isn't here. It has been almost 2 hours since I ordered it!
  5. Well, I don't have an unlimited amount of computer money... we are a university not a law firm. Ordered the 15" 2.0Ghz, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD, Antiglare HR display, 3yr Applecare, and 1 day shipping. Figure that I will try to be good and not put a bunch of stuff that I don't need on the HD. If I run low on room, I guess I will just get or have Apple install a new SSD HD when they are even cheaper. In the past I have loaded up the drive with music/pictures but since I keep these on separate HDs now it shouldn't be a problem I think. Can't wait to get it!!!
  6. OK, thanks Dan. So I will go with 8GB RAM over 2.2Ghz processor. Do you think the 256GB SSD is just completely overpriced and I should stick with the 128GB? By the way, does opening up the Unibody Macs and installing a new HD/RAM void the warranty? I suspect it does.
  7. OK definitely getting a 15" quad core with Matte high resolution display and at least 128GB SSD drive. Now the question is what other upgrades: 2.0ghz -> 2.2ghz? or 4GB -> 8GB RAM? or 128GB -> 256GB? or none of the above. If I do any *real* computations I will use more office machine or the departmental server. Then the programs I use most are Adobe Illustrator, Texshop, SAGE for small computations (ones that aren't going to run for days), NeoOffice, possibly Aperture in the future for photo editing, and of course Chome, Mail, Preview or Skim and Itunes are always open. I am thinking 2.2Ghz processor, 4GB RAM, and 128GB SSD (I can always upgrade the RAM and HD later). I may have to get Applecare because it will be a university owned machine. I am not sure that I will be allowed to replace the HD or RAM on my own also (because it will not technically be my machine) so that should be something to factor in. Maybe I don't really need the 2.2Ghz processor though. Also, I am keeping all my music and pictures on an external drive and don't plan (at this point) to put Windows on the new machine so I think I could get away with a 128GB drive.... I would get the 256GB SSD but it is so damn expensive!
  8. That Redbreast looks good, I have it on my shopping list for this weekend. It certainly tastes good.
  9. I need some Cynar [puts on shopping list]. Caol Ila here too ... but just the 12yr.
  10. Being an uncle/aunt is awesome - live it up!
  11. Some Fade to Black Vol 2 with dinner (grilled cheese made with Cabot private stock extra sharp white cheddar, tomatoes, caramelized onions, grilled garlic, pesto, and goat cheese... unfortunately not on very good bread though)
  12. I think I am going to do the same Jeff. Glossy or Antiglare? I have a Matte screen on my MPB and don't know if I could stand the glossy screen.
  13. I am going to get a new 13" or 15" MBP. I want the power of the 15" in the 13" size, like usual.
  14. Well, err umm, it is because I am lazy and go to the upload page on imgur where I can reduce the picture size when uploading. If anyone knows who to make imgur automatically always reduce pictures to a reasonable size, please let me know. Thx.
  15. Welcome back Naaman!!! :prettyprincess: Having a Hendricks and Dolin Dry dirty martini (jalapeno stuffed) olives now but will be toasting your return with a Parker 27 after I finish this. That sounds good. That sounds *very* good.
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