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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Agreed, nice to see all the GC glasses being put to good use! I am glad to see Dan enjoying some fine cocktails. Sazerac cocktail is one of my absolute favorites (if done right of course)! Al: Those drinks look delicious! I like your twists. I cannot even remember the last time I enjoyed a nice cocktail (ok, thay may be a bit of an exaggeration).
  2. Dinny, he is getting morphine but mostly for the shingles pain. I wasn't aware of this (that the pain meds could mask other symptoms and create other gut issues).
  3. I think he would be happy at this point if he was allowed to drink water.
  4. Those are both just unbelievably beautiful!
  5. Just wanted to say what a great and supportive group you all are! I am back from the hospital and going to try and get to sleep and get a bunch of rest. I have no clue what I am supposed to lecture on in my classes tomorrow morning but too bad.
  6. So here is the update, not really so good. He has diverticulitis and a pretty bad infection He also has a small "hole" in his color but it is only leaking air at this time. He is looking at 3-5 days in the hospital (he was admitted early this morning) if everything goes well (lots of antibiotics to kill the infection and no eating to let the bowel rest... just iv drip). A slightly worse possibility is that he has to have surgery (actually two surgeries) if the infection doesn't respond to the antibiotics. A much worse possibility is that it bursts.... yeah, that one is no good at all and I think that would put him at months in the hospital. I am super tired since I got less than 2 hours sleep (even when I got home around 7am, I had trouble sleeping because I am a worrier). As for the two events. He told a doctor over a week and a half ago about the abdominal pain (it must have been inflamed then) and the fevers. I think the fevers (since they were pretty high) must have been related to this. Unfortunately, THAT doctor said that he probably just the flu or some other virus and that he should get rest (they also brought up the idea of the singles). Somehow we were too focused on the pink eye and redness around the eye to pay much attention to the abdominal pain. Then I thought the abdominal pain was a side effect of valacyclovir he was on, so we were just going to wait until he was done taking it... that was dumb, I should've called a doctor about the prolonger abdominal pain earlier. Anyway, I guess it is possible that the diverticulitis could have weakened his immune system which led to the shingles, who knows though. At least we went to the emergency room last night, who knows what could have happened! Thanks for all the support.
  7. Still here waiting for the CAT scan results... sleeeeeeeeeepy.
  8. (for the wine... groceries are alays good to have too though) Oh, and I like green shoes.
  9. Agreed, I tried putting open red wine in the fridge but it just took too long to get up to a nice temperature. Vacuum corked on the counter works just fine.
  10. Thanks for all the good waves sent this way. We are in a room, they took blood and his white cell count is up (17000) so an infection and it is good that we came in. They are going to do a cat scan in a bit so we should know more later. Wish us luck.
  11. Hehe, we have had many Springer Spaniels. I loved them to death but they are wimps and stand no chance against a cat. I am in the emergency room waiting room... not my favorite place to be ( hubby had a high fever tonight and has been having a lot of abdominal pain for the last week so here we are).
  12. It is always G&T weather in Florida.
  13. Congrat! Unfortunately, I spent the afternoon doing taxes and found out that I will be writing Uncle Sam a nice big check. The good news is that I don't owe a penalty! That looks good, I'll try it out.
  14. Went to make an "FBI Fizz ala Al" but realized I didn't have any soda or sparkling water (wasn't about to try making it with 7-up ). So, I am having a Negroni instead. Cheers!
  15. Yep, my first. Her thesis is on "The (n)-Solvable Filtration of the Link Concordance group and Milnor's Mu-Invariants," in other words, math stuffs and yes, will certainly prove the existence of infinite moar bass with moar bigger cables.
  16. 2006 Ch Caronne Ste Gemme (Haut-Medoc) Bordeaux
  17. I like both of these posts! I had my first PhD student pass her thesis defense day. A day to celebrate (especially since she has a tenure-track job)!
  18. Very nice Ric, didn't know they had Smart Wool. I am on my third pair (one sprint, two KSO) but one pair is slightly too small. That reminds me, if anyone is interested in a pair of size 36 women's KSO (black) that have only been worn twice, let me know and maybe we can work something out.
  19. Double post.
  20. Agree about the Campari, Aperol just doesn't do it IMO.
  21. Just finished reading/editing my student's PhD thesis, yay (the defense is tomorrow)!
  22. Heh, I guess that drink would turn you into a Zombie with both W&N and S&C. What about the Coruba? Nice drink Al and, of course, the kick of gin is approved here.
  23. ^That looks tasty!
  24. Happy Birthday!
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