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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. It gets much easier.
  2. I am not worried about this particular trojan but it did make me realize that I should really add a separate admin account and make my everyday account just a normal user account (just to be cautious). Don't know why I didn't do that years ago.
  3. Guess I am a little bit late but just found out about this. Mac Malware Luckily, I don't use Safari and I like to think that I am smart enough to let random downloads off the internet install on my computer. However, I did do a quick look in my downloads folder and found anti-malware.zip which contains the MacSecurity app which is a tiny bit scary. Just thought I would let others know in case it is still a threat.
  4. Interesting drink Jim.
  5. The Navy bags look awesome, want!
  6. Haha. I am sure you could come up with a better name than that. Those cherries look good. It's about time for me to make some too. 2008 Joel Gott 815 Cabernet Sauvignon with dinner. Now: A Liberal cocktail. Have I mentioned how much I love this drink? 1 oz 17 yr Vintage Bourbon (94 proof) 1 oz Carpano Antica 1/2 tsp Torani Amer 1/4 tsp Regan Orange Bitters
  7. Totally agree.
  8. Good choice. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
  9. Al, grog drink' fools don't fax.
  10. *Anvil* Navy Grog Argggggh, this be jolly good! (Using Jim's version) 1 oz Ron Zacapa Solero 23 1 oz Smith & Cross Navy Strength 1 oz Gosling Black Seal 3/4 oz Lime Juice 3/4 oz Grapefruit Juice 1 oz Agave Syrup 1 oz Club Soda
  11. This! Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
  12. William Larue Weller to end the night
  13. The one half empty?
  14. Back to Anvil Last Word I think I may have made this one before but I could find any reference to it. I like it. 3/4 oz Old Raj gin 3/4 oz Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz Maraschino Liqueur 3/4 oz lime juice
  15. These made me laugh - I have a whole new view of hooding now. The (n)-solvable filtration of the link concordance group and Milnor's mu-invariants. Clear, right?
  16. Karen was right, it is an excellent day to drink! Having some Norton Reserva Malbec myself.
  17. Hooded my first PhD student.
  18. I want to make sure I can carry everything I own with me at all times. Edit: That reminds me, I need a knife bag, and a waterstone bag, and a...
  19. Did you get some $200 toobs for them?
  20. Red Oxx Gator in Olive Mountainsmith Kit Cube Camera Bag Think Tank Retrospective 5
  21. Can you even watch full movie on battery power? I installed Skype on the Nexus S and it works well. Should I be worried about passwords or other important information being saved in some giant Swype dictionary or being at risk? I guess I can just use Swype for everything but important stuff.
  22. Nice Marc! I just open a new bottle of Campari and poured a little "Forgotten" drink myself. Boulevardier 3/2 oz 17yr Vintage Bourbon 1 oz Campari 1 oz Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth
  23. Apex Pinnacle obviously and buy a pair of JH13's while you are at it.
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