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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. ^this, well put Vicki.
  2. This made me laugh.
  3. RIP MOTDOTU from Maui (sorry couldn't find a good Manhattan here)
  4. Al, Tim and I would like to send our deepest sympathies to you and your family. Thanks for sending the links to the obituaries. Your mother seemed like an amazing woman.
  5. Yay Jim! It is a very good feeling indeed.
  6. I assume you are joking.
  7. ^Those students are idiots.
  8. (Yesterday) I outsmarted amazon. On Saturday I ordered a Panasonic TS10 and had it shipped one day mail, to arrive today. Yesterday, I was *extremely* pissed to find out they shipped it via Ensenda (pretty much guaranteeing it would not arrive by today, the time I need it)! [Don't know if you have had any experience with Ensenda but all of my experiences have been nothing but FAIL.] At that point, all that was going through my mind was fuck amazon, fuck Ensenda, I am never going to use amazon again... blah blah blah. But then I decided to try and outsmart them. I waited until shortly before the "cutoff window" for one day shipping and ordered another camera (to be careful, in another color so it might have to ship from another warehouse). My thought was that they may have to use a real carrier if they have less than 24 hours to get it to me. This morning I was happy to wake up and see a message from amazon that it had shipped via UPS next day saver and was estimated to be delivered today. All is good now, except I am still a little pissed at amazon for using Ensenda - to be honest.
  9. Smith & Cross Rum + Blue Sky Natural Cola
  10. Oooh, smokey, this has peaked my interest!
  11. Double Handy Liberal 3/2 oz Thomas Handy Sazerac Rye 3/2 oz Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth 3/4 tsp Torani Amer 2 dashes Regan's Orange Bitters :dance:
  12. Have added Bonal to my shopping list!
  13. Congrats (one congrat from me and one from Tim) to Clair!!! Toasting her with some Catena Malbec.
  14. Welcome back to the states Al!
  15. Didn't even think about the button/control/menu being similar, that is a good point. I ordered a B+W circular polarizing filter that should be here before I leave. I haven't used one before, it will be fun to play around with it. Have fun on your trip Peter. Thanks! Have fun on the cruise.
  16. Where are the veggies?
  17. Nice start to the day Mike!
  18. Ordered the Panasonic TS10 - not quite as good as the TS3/2 but at half the price (~$160) I won't have to worry about losing/breaking it at the beach. Hopefully I can get a few decent pictures. [i will also have my D90 with me for non-beach/snorkeling activity.]
  19. Thanks, since I will be leaving next week, I would need to buy something from amazon to get it here before I leave. I am not sure I want to spend $300 on something that I won't use all that often. I was thinking of getting the either the Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 or Kodak Playsport ZX5 (which is actually a camcorder that takes pictures). I am guessing it might be worth it to get the Olympus. They are both under $200.
  20. Are there any decent (not at all at the level of LX5 or something like that but not total crap) cheap (say under $200) underwater cameras that I can get for the trip to Hawaii? If not, do any of those underwater bags/cases work ok? or should I just not take a camera to the beach/snorkeling.
  21. Nice Jim! I am having some 2008 Cannonball Cabernet - quite nice for the price ($13)!
  22. Amnesia IPA - it was ok until it got hot
  23. Happy last day in Germany Al! Too bad you will soon be back at work and I will be headed to Maui.
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