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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. This... eees good.
  2. Blackwood's/Fever Tree G&T I made this with a 2:1 ratio of tonic to gin. What is your preferred ratio? I feel that this could use a bit more gin. It is good though.
  3. Why do you need your iphone to work as a phone???
  4. 2011 MBA 11" i5 4GB 128GB ordered
  5. Could always hackintosh or install linux.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Looks very refreshing Jim! Good choice.
  8. Don't let Jacob hear them words.
  9. Those are some nice big pours Mikey! Next up for me is a Vesper, I mean Sazerac (with a big ass lemon twist). Haven't had one of these in quite a while.
  10. That looks excellent Al! Marc: Don't think Specs has any SHF stuff unfortunately.
  11. Ooops, yes, that is what I meant. Guess I am a little tired.
  12. Had a small pre-dinner Manhattan Martini with my new bottle of Blackwood's gin! Thanks Jim, it is ever so tasty!
  13. It is awesome that I can share this news with all of you and that you can appreciate it and be so supportive! Thanks.
  14. That sucks Salty. I had an awesome day today. I arrived, jet lagged, to my office this morning and had a card in my mailbox. It was a thank you card from one of the 15 year olds in the summer program for high school girls I run each summer. She had written a thank you card saying how much she and the other girls enjoyed the program. She also told me that she had used the stipend she got at the end of the program (each girl gets $500 at the end) to start up her own 3 day cheerleading camp for some kids at the local homeless shelter. She used the money for t-shirts, bows, snacks and gift packs consisting of crayons, pens, candies, and stickers. She also sent a picture of the kids at her cheerleading camp - they looked so happy. It is hard to express how moved I was by this. It really made my day and every time I look at the picture, I get a little choked up.
  15. Now I cannot decide between i5 or i7 for the 11" MBA. The money isn't really an issue. Will there be much of a difference in battery life? Al: Did you try out both the i5 and i7 at the store? I thought there were only selling the i7 online.
  16. I think I am going to order the 11" Air with 1.6 Ghz i5 and 4GB ram as a "travel" laptop. It is too bad that I just finished my 4th trip in the last two months and I have no trips planned in the near future (until September).
  17. This is what happened to me when I ordered my last "customized" Macbook Pro. I thought I remembered (at that time) that the 2 day shipping only applied if it was shipped from the states but I am not 100% sure - and the rules may have changed by now. I do know that I was kinda pissed but don't think I tried getting my money back for the expedited shipping. Sorry, that isn't much help.
  18. 2009 Bodega Tamari Reserva Malbec - I like it.
  19. Yay! Oh wait, I've vowed never to fly again so I don't need one anymore.
  20. By the way, you should look at options in Oakland. It should be cheaper than Berkeley and there is still plenty of public transportation. As for choosing between the three cities, go with Berkeley. It is by far the best of the three in terms of public transport food, culture, etc. I am not sure there is very good public transportation in San diego (I assume you mean La Jolla) or Irvine unless you are near campus. Also, it is boooooooring to live in La Jolla, at least it was for me.
  21. @Jim: Agreed and agreed.
  22. Berkeley housing is crazy expensive but you may be able to sublet for a reasonable amount since it is during the summer.
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