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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I was too tired/lazy to go back - plus I didn't notice for 2 days. Unfortunately, I also forgot about a pound of delicious Dabecca Honey Ham at the same time. I'll have to try curry powder bacon sometime.
  2. Sorry Ric, that is really fucked up.
  3. Pimm's cup is a good choice. I haven't tried the other two put they sound good especially the John Collins.
  4. They are mostly things are usually computations involving infinite groups or computing certain homology groups with n! generators. Things can take a long time (or run out of memory) very quickly as n gets the least bit big. Most of the computations that I would like to do are just not possible. I have run some stuff that has run for a month and I finally stopped it and decided that there should be a better way to do it.
  5. Prototype 27 FTW! After spending half the day outside doing house projects in the 100 degree heat, I made myself a refreshing Pimm's Cup.
  6. http://www.archives.gov/research/genealogy/ If you go to the archives in DC to research your ancestry, they essentially sit you at a computer with this website. Pretty much all of the census data is now online. If I recall correctly, you will eventually end up at ancestry.com - I think that is where the census records are available. You can get a 14 day free trial from that them.
  7. I keep buying dried Chipotle peppers at the store because they smell so wonderful. However, I don't know what to you them in. Does anyone know a really good recipe that uses them? Oh, and I don't eat anything that has lived under water... just meat, grains, veggies, etc.
  8. That bacon looks good. I bought some bacon last week but forgot it at checkout counter (after paying for it).
  9. I usually post in long threads I guess. I would guess that the "saving post" bug probably happens around 80% of the time for me but that is a very rough estimate. I didn't happen when I posted here or just now in the Macce Thread. I think there was another time it didn't happen.
  10. Jax is even cuter when in the clean laundry basket.
  11. Sorry to hear about your father-in-law HPA. Hope things get better. If I were you, I would seriously think about selling gear to buy necessary medical supplies.
  12. I didn't know about that, thanks! Unfortunately, the "Calculations are restricted to 60 seconds" comment on the bottom of the page is pretty restrictive. Not sure I run any examples that finish that quickly.
  13. Are you sure there isn't red vodka in that bottle?
  14. shellylh


    Thanks for the link.
  15. Inspired by Duggeh, I decided to get out the Cynar bottle. Bensonhurst 1¾ oz rye whiskey ⅔ oz dry vermouth 1 bar-spoon maraschino 1 bar-spoon Cynar Stir over ice then strain in to a cocktail glass. Garnish with a large twist of orange zest.
  16. A Negroni is pretty close to a Margarita. They both have 3 ingredients. You can make them both with equal ratios (although I wouldn't recommend doing that with a `rita). So I say go for it!
  17. Cool! I was having trouble deciding between the black and grey. They both are nice looking. I cannot wait to try mine now! The Vibram are good for the gym but I cannot wear mine for more than a couple of hours as they start to bother my toes.
  18. I remember the SUV wreck from the Pilot but don't really remember it being memorable. Maybe it is later in the Season (I have only watched episodes 1-4).
  19. It is true but it still makes me sad. I don't think they are going to become a competetive team before he becomes a free agent. I am glad to see that Pence will get a chance to play on a team that has a very good chance at the WS.
  20. Will do. I was not aware of the Merrel barefoot but just looked at them and I like the look of the NB/Vibram better but I haven't seen either in person. I am guessing you are right about the sizing. I have a pair of NB W100 which look pretty similar to the new NB/Vibram W10 and I wear a 6.5 in them. Most of my other tennis shoes (North Face, Montrail, Converse) are a size 6. For reference, I am between a 36 or 37 in the Vibram 5 finger (the 36 are too snug and the 37 too loose in the toes).
  21. I got pissed at Mathematica because of the way they do licensing so I stopped using it completely. I would use Mathematica every so often and pretty much ever time I wanted to use it, the program would tell me a needed to get a new license.... Also, Sage is faster than Mathematica. As for MAGMA vs Sage, I am sure that MAGMA does things that Sage doesn't but so far isn't anything I need to do. Even though Rice has a license for MAGMA at this time, I would rather not be tied to a software program that is so costly. (Sage was developed as an open source alternative to MAGMA.)
  22. This is also happening to me. When I reply, it says "saving post" indefinitely but never updates. If I refresh the page, it updates, otherwise it seems like nothing has been updated. Edit: It seemed to work ok this time. Maybe it was just my internet connection earlier, don't know.
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