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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Bonal and Rye 2 oz Wild Turkey 101 Rye 1 oz Bonal 1/2 oz Clement Shrubb Creole Orange Liqueur 2 dashes of Peychaud's bitters 1 dash of Boker's bitters
  2. Enjoying Houston Restaurant Week(s). Just finished a bottle of Orin Swift "The Prisoner" Red Wine with some friends and a nice 3 course meal. Life is good.
  3. That is great news about your dad Vicki!!!
  4. Glad you like the HC Peralta better Jim. The Bonal and Rye is quite nice as well. The Clock Bar sounds fun Marc, have fun! For me, some La Posta Pizzella Malbec with dinner and a Eagle Rare 17yr Mint Julep afterwards.
  5. That is great news Ric (same for Crappy)!
  6. Oops, I meant North Carolina (Winston-Salem).
  7. Sounds like a lot of fun! My next two trips are to S. Carolina and Nebraska... needless to say, I would much rather be heading to SF.
  8. The Remember the Maine looks very nice (I do have to agree that Al's glasses are awesome!).
  9. Like. I suppose you didn't find that in TX.
  10. Last night's drinks: Triomphe Cocktail for my friend as suggested by Al. 3/2 oz Luksusawa Vodka 3/4 oz Lemon Juice 1/2 oz Green Chartreuse (recipe called for yellow chartreuse) 1/2 oz Simple Syrup Shake well with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon peel. Very yummy Peralta for me - really really good 3/4 oz Wild Turkey 101 Rye 3/4 oz Cynar 3/4 Green Chartreuse 1/2 oz grapefruit juice 1/4 oz lemon juice 1 dash Angostura bitters
  11. OK, decided to go for the Dubonnet. 40ml Drambuie 25ml Dubonnet Rouge 10ml Laphroaig Quarter Cask 2 dashes of Boker's Bitters This drink is actually pretty nice. I love the Boker's.
  12. Got my Boker's Bitters today! What should I make? There is a recipe on the back of the bottle that calls for Drambuie, Laphroaig 10yr, Bokers and sweet vermouth. I don't have any "classic" sweet vermouth. Do you think Bonal or Dubonnet would be better?
  13. Peralta for me Triomphe Cocktail (with green instead of yellow chartreuse) for my friend Both excellent, chartreuse FTW, pictures tomorrow.
  14. Green Flash West Coast IPA on draught.
  15. Will do. Since I have a friend visiting, I may not be able to get around to it for a couple of days though.
  16. I ordered both the Pro Speed Belt and the Thin Skin belt (and planned to send the one I didn't use back but forgot). I think the Pro Speed belt would be useful if you had a lot of gear on the belt. It has quite a bit of padding. I was just carrying a D90 + 18-200 in the Digital Holster 20 and an 18oz water bottle + water bottle holder on the belt so the Thin Skin belt was perfectly fine for me. I can take some pictures of the two belts if you are interested in the difference. The Pro Speed Belt seems to be more popular.
  17. I am little behind on my drink postings. From Friday night, a Martilla, following Al. 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1 1/2 ounces aƱejo tequila 1 ounce dry vermouth 3 teaspoons maraschino liqueur 1 lemon twist, as garnish A little too lemon-y for me. I would probably only use 1/2 tsp of lemon zest next time. Last night: I made this for my friend who is visiting. Don't know the name - we made it up. She really liked it. It was a little too sweet for my taste but if you like that sort of thing, it was good. 3/2 oz Luksusowa vodka 1 oz St Germain elderflower liqueur 1/2 oz Mathilde pear liqueur (I either used 1/2 oz or 3/4 of an ounce but I forgot to write it down) 1/4 oz lemon juice (either used 1/4 oz or 1/2 oz) I was in the mood for tequila so I decided to make a Margarita with elderflower liqueur substituted for the orange liqueur. It was a bad idea, the tequila and elderflower liqueur didn't go too well together. Still drinkable though. 3/2 oz Herradura tequila 3/4 oz St Germain elderflower liqueur 1/2 oz lime juice
  18. Ken, I have some Tito's in my freezer but haven't tried it yet. I shall open it up and try it.
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